Rpsl / mongodb-gmail

Parse your "gmail takeout file" and indexing mail messages into MongoDB

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MongoDB Gmail

Inspired by elasticsearch-gmail. Parse your "gmail takeout file" and indexing mail messages into MongoDB. After that you can use some aggregation functions for insights or analytics your inbox

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


First, go here and download your Gmail mailbox, depending on the amount of emails you have accumulated this might take a while.

The downloaded archive is in the mbox format and Python provides libraries to work with the mbox format so that's easy.

Second, install python dependecies

vend/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Thirdly Run MongoDB, you can use docker-compose for starting mongodb and web-view panel

docker-compose up 

Fourthly Run parser.

venv/bin/python ./cli.py --init=true ~/path/to/your/mail.mbox


Connection to the MongoDB instance:

mongo -u root -p example --authenticationDatabase admin

> use google-mail
switched to db google-mail

And exec aggregation functions.

> db.mails.aggregate([
    { $match: { labels: { $in: ['inbox'] } } },
    { $group: {_id: "$from", total: {$sum : 1} } },
    { $sort : {"total": -1 } }


/mongodb-gmail: ./venv/bin/python ./cli.py --help
Usage: cli.py [OPTIONS] FILENAME


  FILENAME path to mbox file

  --mongodb TEXT          Connection string for mongodb instance  [default:
  --db-name TEXT          MongoDB database name  [default: google-mail]
  --collection-name TEXT  MongoDB collection name  [default: mails]
  --init BOOLEAN          Force deleting and re-initializing the MongoDB
                          collection  [default: False]
  --body BOOLEAN          Will index all body content, stripped of HTML/CSS/JS
                          etc. Adds fields: "body" and "body_size"  [default:
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


  • Repair parse body
  • Extract examples (aggregate functions) to the personal classes and execute from cli
  • Add --report option for executing the aggregates and generate report files


Parse your "gmail takeout file" and indexing mail messages into MongoDB


Language:Python 100.0%