RozhakXD / Premium

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Instagram Brute Force Premium - From Indonesian



Premium was made on 30 July 2021 and then I distributed it to the public in November 2021 with version 9.5 which is available on termux and pydroid3. This script becomes paid in 2022 when someone trades this script without my permission. Premium is the mother of all scripts so all the features will be great here. Premium is a script created using the Python programming language which has a function to Hack Instagram accounts randomly with an easy list of passwords. This script is highly recommended for beginners because there are various ways to use this script.


This script will not require updates because it is automatically updated at all times. You don't need to worry if a problem occurs because this script will learn how to update next.

What Features Does It Have?

  • This script was 100% created using the latest version of Instagram API and can be logged in using cookies.
  • Having form data in the request will prevent spam from being detected by Instagram.
  • This script has a feature to get Likes, Comments and Followers for free.
  • This script has a feature to secure cracked Instagram accounts.
  • This script has a feature to generate user-agents randomly and always up to date.
  • There is one feature that is quite dangerous, namely brutally reporting other people's Instagram accounts.
  • This script has a method that automatically updates every second.

Works In Terminal?


  • Linux - Termux

    >> pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
    >> pkg install clang python-pip libffi openssl libsodium binutils build-essential iproute2 rust
    >> apt install python-cryptography
    >> SODIUM_INSTALL=system pip install pynacl
    >> git clone --depth 1
    >> cd "Premium"
    >> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    >> chmod +x Prem
    >> ./Prem
    • Running on Termux

      >> cd "$HOME/Premium"
      >> ./Prem
  • Pydroid - Termux

    >> apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
    >> pkg install git python-pip
    >> git clone --depth 1
    >> cd "Premium/Premium"
    >> python -m pip install requests futures
    >> chmod +x Prem
    >> ./Prem
    • Running on Termux

      >> cd "$HOME/Premium/Premium"
      >> ./Prem

PyNacl Or PyCryptodome Not Installed?

  • Usually the pip installation process takes up to 1 hour. You can wait until this process is complete, don't close the application so that it doesn't fail during the installation.
  • I hope you run "$ apt update -y && apt upgrade -y" until everything is installed properly.
  • The problem if the module is not installed is the Termux application which has problems during the installation.
  • You don't use Termux from play'store you should use "Version-117" or "Version-118".
  • Delete Termux data if the problem cannot be resolved.

Spam When Dumped Or Logged Out?

  • The cookies you use must be online in the browser where the cookies are taken.
  • You can change your Instagram account because it is possible that the account has been detected as spam by Instagram.
  • Maybe Instagram's system is abnormal, causing the account to be logged out.
  • Open desktop mode "" then refresh every few minutes.
  • You must use "Airplane Mode" before dumping.

Getting Successful Results?

  • Use good methods like : Instagram Apps 2024, Instagram Apps 2023, Threads Apps 2023, Account Center.
  • Only new accounts or accounts that have a small followers can be successful.
  • You also have to pay attention to whether you are lucky or not in hacking.
  • Use the automatic setting that is "Not Recommended" or number One.
  • Search target on "" make sure it has 1k followers and above.

Not Getting Results?

  • Wrong password selection. Use the recommended password is DEFAULT, COMPLETE or number 04, 05.
  • Your target has a password that is difficult to use or no password that is easy for them to use.
  • I guarantee that if there are no results at all it is the fault of your target which is not good at all.
  • I hope you don't use password encryption because it will result in not much result.
  • You do not turn on "Airplane Mode" in multiples of 200 for your username.
  • Enter the user-agent selection or use the previously used user-agent.
  • Only works on accounts that are online and the owner has confirmed "Yes it's me"!
  • First wait about 1-7 days or 30 days after cracking.
  • Run the script then select number One or "Crack Ulang Hasil Checkpoint".
  • Enter the name of the file you want to crack "dir Results" to find out the file name.

I Can't Use WiFi?

  • Using a wifi network may cause you not to get a successful result or checkpoint.
  • WiFi causes your IP address to be blocked or spammed by Instagram.
  • WiFi causes abnormal cracking or will get stuck on "HIDUPKAN MODE PESAWAT 2 DETIK".

I Only Got Checkpoints?

  • Instagram security is increasing so it becomes difficult to get successful results.
  • Incorrect selection of user agents and methods can cause checkpoint results.
  • The target you entered is not good or someone has already executed it.
  • Maybe your provider is not suitable for the method or user agent you chose.
  • I forbid you from logging in using the browser because it causes bugs in your account.
  • There is one problem, if you can't log in, maybe your device is spammed so you can't log in to that account.
  • I hope that all results must be logged in the latest version of the Instagram application or the Instagram clone application.
  • You are required to turn on "Airplane Mode" before logging into the account.
  • You can log in using cookies stored on each date in the Results folder.

Bug Success Result?

  • The number of followers does not match?
    • The problem with Instagram can be said that there is one username on two different accounts.
    • Maybe you get accounts multiple times at the same second.
  • The cookies has been logged out?
    • Maybe the account owner has changed the password so the cookies is logged out.
    • There is a problem with Instagram that causes cookies to be logged out.
  • Instagram account can't be logged in.
    • Instagram's security is high, which means that accounts cannot be logged in on new devices.
    • Because your device or IP address is blocked by Instagram.

Problems When Cracking?

  • "OOPS, AN ERROR OCCURRED!" You don't need to worry, this is a marker for a smooth process.
  • "TERJADI KESALAHAN TAK TERDUGA!" You don't need to worry, this is a marker for a smooth process.
  • "HIDUPKAN MODE PESAWAT 2 DETIK! (RED COLOR)" You don't need to turn on airplane mode because this is not your IP address that is blocked.
  • "HIDUPKAN MODE PESAWAT 2 DETIK! (YELLOW COLOR)" You are required to turn on airplane mode during the specified time limit.
  • "COOKIES DISABLED IN YOUR BROWSER!" This lack of influence is unique to Instagram so that it conveys this response.
  • "HARAP TUNGGU BEBERAPA MENIT!" This is not an error but just a reminder if your IP address has been spammed.

Why Does Dump Fail?

  • Maybe your Instagram account was hit by spam or blocked for 24 hours.
  • Your Instagram account or cookies on your account are logged out and must be replaced with new ones.
  • I can guarantee that the dump error is a problem with Target or the Cookies you use.
  • The target you entered is incorrect or private and verified with a blue tick.




As a developer, I want to emphasize that use of this tools is entirely the user's responsibility. I am not responsible for any consequences that may occur, whether intended or unintentional, when you use this tools.

print("Happy Hacking Day !")