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DAA Semester IV Practical Codes Repository

This repository contains implementations of various algorithms in C programming language. Below is a list of algorithms implemented:

  1. Max-min using divide and conquer
  2. Stassen’s matrix multiplication using divide and conquer
  3. Quick, merge sort using divide and conquer
  4. Single source shortest path Dijkstra's
  5. Activity selection problem
  6. Fractional knapsack
  7. Prim's algorithm
  8. Job sequencing with deadline
  9. Matrix chain multiplication
  10. All pair shortest path
  11. 0/1 knapsack problem
  12. Coin change problem using greedy and dynamic both
  13. LCS
  14. Bellman Ford algortihm
  15. OBST
  16. Hamiltonion cycle using backtracking
  17. Graph coloring using backtracking
  18. N queen using backtracking
  19. Rabin karp
  20. Naive string matching
  21. KMP algorithm

Feel free to explore each algorithm for detailed implementation. Please let me know in case of any discrepancy.



Language:C 100.0%