Rossprehn / memory3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Galvanize Memory

You're making an API that can list, create, read, update, and delete a collection of games. The problem is that you're missing a critical part of the API-- the database! Create a database for this API, and interface with it via Knex.js.


Make a local database and setup a knexfile to connect to it.


Make a migration that creates the following database table:


key name data type
PK id auto-incrementing integer
name text
developer text
rating float


Seed your database with some data:

field value
id 1
name Breath of the Wild
developer Nintendo
rating 8.5
field value
id 2
name Fez
developer Polytron
rating 7.4
field value
id 3
name Anti-Chamber
developer Demruth
rating 8.1

Make sure your next auto-incrementing integer starts with 4!

Database connection

Make a connection to your database in the database-connection.js file with the appropriate environment data.


Fill out the queries.js file with the following:

  • list() should return a promise that resolves with all of the data in the game table as an array
  • read(id) should return a promise that resolves with the record with a matching id as an object
  • create(game) should return a promise that inserts a game object and resolves to the created database record as an object
  • update(id, game) should return a promise that updates a game record matching id with the data in game and resolves to the updated database record as an object
  • delete(id) should return a promise that removes the record matching id and resolves to nothing


Deploy this API. Note that you'll need to create a remote database, run your migration and seeds on it, and connect to it in production and your local database in development.


  • You can test your API locally with npm test

Add a link to your deployed API here.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%