RossMurr4y / mdbook-docx

Docx producing backend for mdBook

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Docx backend for mdBook.

mdbook-docx translates your mdBook .md (Markdown) files into Word .docx documents.

Styling of the content is achieved with a template .docx file. The content of the template is ignored but the style definitions are used to construct the final document.



If you're new to mdBook, get started here.

Once you've a working mdBook, update your book.toml with the docx backend.

If you've only had the default html backend until now and you want to now produce both the HTML and Docx content, you'll want to add both to continue building both.

title = "Example Book"
authors = ["Your Name"]


filename = "example-output.docx"

Build your book to output your document(s) alongside the other backend outputs in book/docx/

mdbook build

Custom Styles

Custom Styles are implemented for your document by providing a template .docx file.

Make a copy of this one for convenience.

Then within Word modify the style definitions. Save the Word document alongside your mdBook and update your book.toml to include the template property for your document.


filename = "output.docx"
template = "path/to/custom/reference.docx"

Whenever you run mdbook build now, it will rebuild your document with the template's style definitions.


mdbook-docx is currently in heavy development and is not yet available with cargo. Recommended use for now is with Docker.

Install mdbook-docx binary from local clone

cargo install --path .

Add the following to your book.toml to enable the Docx backend.

The mandatory and default settings are provided below.



There are two primary docker images published, based on your needs:

  • rossmurr4y/mdbook-docx contains only mdBook and mdbook-docx
  • rossmurr4y/mdbook includes a number of additional backends as well as includes laTex and pdf-creation tooling, however it is much larger.
# update your volume mount path as necessary.
# make sure all content referenced by your .md files is inside the container.
docker run -it --volume $(pwd):/book rossmurr4y/mdbook build


The configuration accepts an array of Documents. At least one must be specified, however you can create multiple documents from the once source.






filename = "output.docx"
template = "reference.docx"
include = ["*"]
offset_headings_by = 0
append = []
prepend = []
configuration description valid values
filename the name of the file output to produce, including extension string Defaults to output.docx
template path to a template file to use for styling only string File path relative to your book.toml
include An array of paths to include in the document output. Allows for Unix shell style patterns/globs. string[] Relative to your ./src dir. Files must be present in your
offset_headings_by By default, Markdown H1's become the title style type, and Markdown H2's translate to Docx H1's. This allows you to adjust this by shifting the Markdown H1s up/down as desired. int -1, or 1 will usually do
append An array of filepaths to sequentially append to the end of the generated file. Styles will be adjusted to match the primary output. string[] Paths relative to your book.toml
prepend An array of filepaths to sequentially prepend to the start of the generated file. Styles will be adjusted to match the primary output. string[] Paths relative to your book.toml


# adding the docx backend

# document created from all files
filename = "CompleteGuide.docx"

# just a subset of files using explicit file names
filename = "DeploymentGuide.docx"
include = ["", "", ""]

# specific style template with globs and filenames
filename = "TechnicalDesignGuide.docx"
template = "TechnicalStyles.docx"
include = ["", "tech_*.md", "reference_tables*.md", "**/appendix*tech*.md"]

# - a specific title page and some legal-ese
# - followed by the Markdown content
# - followed by glossary of terms maintained elsewhere
filename = "ImportantReport.docx"
template = "ReportStyles.docx"
include = ["", "report_*.md", "charts*.md", "**/appendix*report*.md"]
prepend = ["title-page.docx", "legal-template.docx"]
append = [ "glossary.docx" ]


Docx producing backend for mdBook


Language:Rust 95.5%Language:Dockerfile 4.5%