RoopakCS / Linux-IPC-Semaphores

Ex05-Linux IPC-Semaphores

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ex05-Linux IPC-Semaphores

Name: Roopak C S

Register Number: 212223220088


To Write a C program that implements a producer-consumer system with two processes using Semaphores.


Step 1:

Navigate to any Linux environment installed on the system or installed inside a virtual environment like virtual box/vmware or online linux JSLinux ( or docker.

Step 2:

Write the C Program using Linux Process API - Sempahores

Step 3:

Execute the C Program for the desired output.


Write a C program that implements a producer-consumer system with two processes using Semaphores.

 * sem.c  - demonstrates a basic producer-consumer
 *                            implementation.              */
#include <stdio.h>	 /* standard I/O routines.              */
#include <stdlib.h>      /* rand() and srand() functions        */
#include <unistd.h>	 /* fork(), etc.                        */
#include <time.h>	 /* nanosleep(), etc.                   */
#include <sys/types.h>   /* various type definitions.           */
#include <sys/ipc.h>     /* general SysV IPC structures         */
#include <sys/sem.h>	 /* semaphore functions and structs.    */
#define NUM_LOOPS	20	 /* number of loops to perform. */
#if defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__) && !defined(_SEM_SEMUN_UNDEFINED)
/* union semun is defined by including <sys/sem.h> */
/* according to X/OPEN we have to define it ourselves */

union semun {
    int val;                    /* value for SETVAL */
    struct semid_ds *buf;       /* buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET */
    unsigned short int *array;  /* array for GETALL, SETALL */
    struct seminfo *__buf;      /* buffer for IPC_INFO */
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int sem_set_id;	      /* ID of the semaphore set.       */
    union semun sem_val;      /* semaphore value, for semctl(). */
    int child_pid;	      /* PID of our child process.      */
    int i;		      /* counter for loop operation.    */
    struct sembuf sem_op;     /* structure for semaphore ops.   */
    int rc;		      /* return value of system calls.  */
    struct timespec delay;    /* used for wasting time.         */
    /* create a private semaphore set with one semaphore in it, */
    /* with access only to the owner.                           */
    sem_set_id = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1, 0600);
    if (sem_set_id == -1) {
	    perror("main: semget");
    printf("semaphore set created, semaphore set id '%d'.\n", sem_set_id);
    /* intialize the first (and single) semaphore in our set to '0'. */
    sem_val.val = 0;
    rc = semctl(sem_set_id, 0, SETVAL, sem_val);
    /* fork-off a child process, and start a producer/consumer job. */
    child_pid = fork();
    switch (child_pid) {
    	case -1:	/* fork() failed */
        case 0:		/* child process here */
    	    for (i=0; i<NUM_LOOPS; i++) {
    		    /* block on the semaphore, unless it's value is non-negative. */
    		    sem_op.sem_num = 0;
    		    sem_op.sem_op = -1;
    		    sem_op.sem_flg = 0;
    		    semop(sem_set_id, &sem_op, 1);
    		    printf("consumer: '%d'\n", i);
    	default:	/* parent process here */
    	    for (i=0; i<NUM_LOOPS; i++) {
        		printf("producer: '%d'\n", i);
        		/* increase the value of the semaphore by 1. */
            	sem_op.sem_num = 0;
                sem_op.sem_op = 1;
        		sem_op.sem_flg = 0;
        		semop(sem_set_id, &sem_op, 1);
        		/* pause execution for a little bit, to allow the */
        		/* child process to run and handle some requests. */
        		/* this is done about 25% of the time.            */
        		if (rand() > 3*(RAND_MAX/4)) {
        		    delay.tv_sec = 0;
        	        delay.tv_nsec = 10;
        	   	    //nanosleep(&delay, NULL);
        		if(NUM_LOOPS>=10) {
        	        semctl(sem_set_id, 0, IPC_RMID, sem_val) ;
        		} // Remove the sem_set_id
    return 0;


$ ./sem.o


$ ipcs



The program is executed successfully.


Ex05-Linux IPC-Semaphores

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 100.0%