RooSoft / lnd_client

Connects to the Lightning Network Daemon known as LND

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LndClient ⚡

Connects to the Lightning Network Daemon's gRPC API known as LND


This library is being built in the wild according to these principles

  • Free to use
  • Developer friendly
  • Modular

Arguably, the most important part is that it is unbiased.

If you want to keep it that way, and want to promote its active development, please send donations here: bc1qwpj2nyunrvjkj7z0unk4gg3ht26h2ysh9dqtez

Thank you!

Prerequisites for umbrel users

with a fresh clone of this project, run

mix deps.get

copy those files from the umbrel to the computer running the app

  • /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/tls.cert must be copied to ~/.lnd/umbrel.cert
  • add /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon to the ~/.lnd
  • look below for the NODE environment variable that must be set when you run iex -S mix

How to use as a dependency

The package can be installed by adding lnd_client to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:lnd_client, "~> 0.1.7"}


This may be used with another Elixir application or on its own using IEx.

How to use in an app

Add this dependency in mix.exs

{:lnd_client, "~> 0.1"}

LND config

Whenever you start a LndClient GenServer, you need to specify the credential config.

conn_config = %LndClient.ConnConfig{
  node_uri: System.get_env("BOB_NODE"),
  cert_path: System.get_env("BOB_CERT"),
  macaroon_path: System.get_env("BOB_MACAROON")

Start the server, get node info and then stop the server

LndClient.start_link(%LndClient.Config{conn_config: conn_config})

Multiple LNDs

You can start multiple GenServers by passing in the name:

LndClient.start_link(%LndClient.Config{conn_config: conn_config, name: BobLndClient})

How to use it with a Supervisor

Add this to the list of children:

children = [
  # ...
] ++ LndClient.child_specs(%LndClient.Config{conn_config: conn_config})

If you're going to make more than one connection to an LND, pass in the name.

children = [
  # ...
] ++ LndClient.child_specs(%LndClient.Config{conn_config: alice_conn_config, name: AliceLndClient}) ++ LndClient.child_specs(%LndClient.Config{conn_config: bob_conn_config, name: BobLndClient})

Then, somewhere else in your app:

LndClient.add_invoice(%Lnrpc.Invoice{value_msat: 150_000}, BobLndClient)

How to use with IEx

In the root of the folder, ensure that the following env vars in the example below exist:


Then iex -S mix

See if the connection was made:


You didn't need to call start_link because .iex.exs calls that for you.


Run mix test

Library Maintenance

Get fresh protos

List of protos

Make sure protoc is properly installed. Here is how to do it on Debian.

sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler
mix escript.install hex protobuf
asdf reshim
cd proto

curl -O
curl -O
curl -O

protoc --elixir_out=plugins=grpc:../lib/gRPC lightning.proto
protoc --elixir_out=plugins=grpc:../lib/gRPC router.proto
protoc --elixir_out=plugins=grpc:../lib/gRPC invoices.proto

cd ..

HTLC examples


  event: {:forward_event,
     info: %Routerrpc.HtlcInfo{
       incoming_amt_msat: 11005,
       incoming_timelock: 680165,
       outgoing_amt_msat: 11000,
       outgoing_timelock: 680125
  event_type: :FORWARD,
  incoming_channel_id: 744146171265875972,
  incoming_htlc_id: 87,
  outgoing_channel_id: 742921315233366017,
  outgoing_htlc_id: 379,
  timestamp_ns: 1619026298906259040


  event: {:forward_fail_event, %Routerrpc.ForwardFailEvent{}},
  event_type: :FORWARD,
  incoming_channel_id: 744146171265875972,
  incoming_htlc_id: 88,
  outgoing_channel_id: 742921315233366017,
  outgoing_htlc_id: 380,
  timestamp_ns: 1619028533664696456


  event: {:settle_event, %Routerrpc.SettleEvent{}},
  event_type: :RECEIVE,
  incoming_channel_id: 744146171265875972,
  incoming_htlc_id: 90,
  outgoing_channel_id: 0,
  outgoing_htlc_id: 0,
  timestamp_ns: 1619028715648844495


  event: {:link_fail_event,
     failure_detail: :INVALID_KEYSEND,
     failure_string: "invalid keysend parameters",
     info: %Routerrpc.HtlcInfo{
       incoming_amt_msat: 10000,
       incoming_timelock: 680090,
       outgoing_amt_msat: 0,
       outgoing_timelock: 0
  event_type: :RECEIVE,
  incoming_channel_id: 744146171265875972,
  incoming_htlc_id: 89,
  outgoing_channel_id: 0,
  outgoing_htlc_id: 0,
  timestamp_ns: 1619028709202674659


Connects to the Lightning Network Daemon known as LND

License:The Unlicense


Language:Elixir 100.0%