RongjieChen / KSPopoverView_extend

IOS, object-c, pop up menu

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



make support to KSPopoverPositionBottomCenter

*** KSPopoverView ***

KSPopoverView is an iOS view controller that a user can flick & select the menu.

** Usage **

  1. Include a "KSPopoverViewController.h" header
  2. Apply KSPopoverViewControllerDelegate protocol
  3. Init like as [[KSPopoverViewController alloc] initType:KSPopoverTypeTextLabel withImage:image point:location]
  4. Add buttons by [vc addButtonWithTitle:button]
  5. Write popoverViewController:selectedButton:AtIndex: delegate method and the event

** Author ** KatokichiSoft

** License ** The new BSD license


IOS, object-c, pop up menu