Roman-Belenya / stars-chart

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stars chart

A notebook to create a star chart at a specific time and location:

20 August 2023, 00:00.
Latitude & longitude - 47.639483, 11.348130


I created the four figure elements separately (small stars, big stars, horizon line and constellation lines) using matplotlib and combined them in GIMP.

Create a conda environment and install packages

conda create -n stars-chart -c conda-forge --file requirements.txt

Processing in GIMP

  • open the four images in separate layers
  • create a background layer
  • apply Gaussian blur to big stars and put the blurred image under the oroginal to create a halo effect
  • similarly, apply radial blur to the small stars and overlay with the original
  • same for the constellation lines
  • combine all layers and rotate the image



Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%