RomainLegouverneur / Payment-Paypal-via-mail

Send an mail to request a payment Paypal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

	This class is a kind of Hack of Paypal Request Money, because there is no such API available.
 @author Legouverneur Romain

 * Pre-Requisites
     * 1. Install OpenSSL on your Web Server
         *  It can be enabled by uncommenting ';' from php.ini file
     * 2. Obtain Cert ID
         * 2.a. Obtain PayPal Cert File
         * 2.b. Generate PayPal Public File
         * 2.c. Generate PayPal Private File
     * 3. This service will only be running on those Web-Servers, where Email is enabled


Send an mail to request a payment Paypal