RolnickLab / ClimateSet

A Large-Scale Climate Model Dataset for Machine Learning

Repository from Github https://github.comRolnickLab/ClimateSetRepository from Github https://github.comRolnickLab/ClimateSet

ClimateSet Emulation

This repository contains the code for running the climate model emulation benchmark experiments on the core ClimateSet data. Here we provide documentation on installation, setup, and a quickstart guide to reproduce our experiments and run your own experiments.

Important information:

This repository is currently under active development and you may encounter bugs with some functionality. Any feedback, extensions & suggestions are welcome!

Getting started

Downloading the core dataset

The preprocessed dataset is available on HuggingFace. You can opt to download the entire dataset or pick only specific climate models for targets. Please note that the core dataset entrails 1) two variables (precipitation (pr) & temperature (tas)), 2) 250 km nominal resolution, and 3) monthly data. This is the data that was used for the benchmarking. We will release code to preprocess other variables and other resolutions in a separate Python package and will update the HuggingFace data periodically.


To download the entire dataset, you can make use of the provided Python script:

python scripts/

If you wish to download only specific climate model data, please refer to the instructions on HuggingFace.

Arbutus / DRAC

If you happen to be in Canada, you can also download the dataset via Arbutus (DRAC - Digital Research Alliance of Canada). Please note that this option is very slow for users located outside of Canada. We recommend this option mostly for users who are working directly on DRAC anyway.

1. Setting your dataset path

Set the path where you want your dataset to be downloaded in:

  • AND
  • scripts/
2. Download the data via bash script
bash scripts/ 

Please note that this by default only downloads NorESM2-LM data. To download data for all climate models, please uncomment the line with the for loop.

You should now see a newly created directory called "Climateset_DATA" containing inputs and targets. This folder will be referenced within the emulator pipeline.

Setting up the environment

To setup the environment for causalpaca, we use python>=3.10. There are two separate requirements file for creating environments.

To create the environment used for training UNet & ConvLSTM models, use requirements. For ClimaX related experiments, use requirements_climax.

Follow the following steps to create the environment for non-windows users:

Not Climax:

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd emulator 
pip install -e .


python -m venv env_climax
source env_climax/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_climax.txt
cd emulator
pip install -e .

For Windows users do it in this manner:

python -m venv env_emulator
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd emulator 
pip install -e .

For ClimaX: Download pre-trained checkpoints

To work with ClimaX, you will need to download the pre-trained checkpoints from the original release and place them in the correct folder. To do so, execute the following command:

bash scripts/


It might be the case that the Python variable has to be modified to contain the root folder of the ClimateSet project for the emulator to work.

Non-Windows users:

#input the path to the Climateset folder
export PYTHONPATH=/home/user/myproject # Or export PYTHONPATH=$pwd if you are in the right directory

#Check for success with: 

Windows users:

#input the path to the Climateset folder
$env:PYTHONPATH = "home/user/myproject"

#Check for success with: 
echo $env:PYTHONPATH

Running a model

Please note that you will have to run everything without a logger (including logger=none) at every command, or instead configure logging to your own wandb project or set up other logging methods. For that, please see the section on logging.

Train from scratch

To run the model, edit the main config to fit what you want to run. Executing the script plain will use the main config.

The configs folder serves as a blueprint, listing all the modules available. To get a better understanding of our codebases structure please refer to the section on Structure

# starting inside the emulator folder:
python emulator/ logger=none # will run with configs/main_config.yml

IF you get an error telling you something like "No supported gpu backend found!": Install cuda and download torch with cuda enabled for the specific cuda version you downloaded (different for linux/windows users) something like:

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

To execute one of the preset experiments or to run your own experiments you can create and pass on experiment configs:

python emulator/ experiment=test # will run whatever is specified by the configs/experiment/test.yml file

You can make use of the experiment template.

Reproducing experiments

We provide some experiment configs in emulator/configs/experiment to recreate some of our models.

We ran 3 different configurations of experiments:

  • single emulator: A single ML-model - climate-model pairing.
  • finetuning emulator: A single ML-model that was pre-trained on one climate model and fine-tuned on another.
  • super emulator: A single ML-model that was trained on multiple climate models.

Single Emulator

Here are some examples to recreate single emulator experiments for NorESM2-LM.

python emulator/ experiment=single_emulator/unet/NorESM2-LM_unet_tas+pr_run-01.yaml logger=none seed=3423

This will train the U-Net model on NorESM2-LM dataset. To change some of the parameters of the experiment, you can use hydra to override them. For eg. to run with different experiment seed:

python emulator/ experiment=single_emulator/unet/NorESM2-LM_unet_tas+pr_run-01.yaml logger=none seed=22201

For running experiments with other models, here are some example commands:

python emulator/ experiment=single_emulator/climax/NorESM2-LM_climax_tas+pr_run-01.yaml logger=none seed=3423
python emulator/ experiment=single_emulator/climax_frozen/NorESM2-LM_climax_tas+pr_run-01.yaml logger=none seed=3423
python emulator/ experiment=single_emulator/convlstm/NorESM2-LM_convlstm_tas+pr_run-01.yaml logger=none seed=3423

For Climax & Climax_frozen models, we will need to use a different requirements file to create another environment.

If you run into a RuntimeError('Numpy is not available') with ClimaX, you must downgrade numpy to a version below 2, since the ClimaX module is compiled with numpy < 2. You can do this in your ClimaX emulator environment via:

pip install --upgrade numpy==1.26.4


For the single-emulator experiments, we provide configs for each ml model in emulator/configs/experiment/single_emulator and for fine-tuning experiments, the configs can be found in emulator/configs/experiment/finetuning_emulator.

For finetuning, we need to fill in pretrained_run_id and pretrained_ckpt_dir in the config files for resuming the experiments.

An example command for finetuning would look like this:

pythonemulator/ experiment=finetuning_emulator/climax/NorESM2-LM_FGOALS-f3-L_climax_tas+pr_run-01.yaml seed=3423 logger=none


For the superemulation experiments, we provide the configs of our experiments in emulator/configs/experiment/superemulator. Note that here, data loading is changed slightly to the super emulator infrastructure and a decoder must be set.

An example command to run a superemulator experiment would look like this: Replace modelname.yaml with the respective model name (for example superemulator_climax_frozen_tas+pr_run-02), see emulator/configs/experiment/superemulator

python emulator/ experiment=superemulator/superemulator_climax_tas+pr_run-02.yaml seed=3423 logger=none

Reloading our trained models

We provide some of our trained models from the experiments, including only superemulator experiments and single_emulator experiments performed on NorESM2-LM data. Checkpoints from all our models accumulate a large amount of data and we are still working on making these available in a practical fashion. Please reach out to out if you wish to obtain pre-trained checkpoints from any other experiment not included in this subset.

Downloading pre-trained checkpoints

All our pre-trained models for the paper are hosted on HuggingFace. Please refer to the documentation there to download either all pre-trained models or only pick checkpoints for a specific experimental setting. After the download, the checkpoints should be stored in a folder called pretrained_models. Be aware that the folder containing pre-trained ClimaX checkpoints for the super emulator experiment is quite large (14Gb) and will take quite some time to download.

To download all available checkpoints, you can make use of the provided Python script:

python scripts/

If you wish to download only specific climate model data, please refer to the instructions on HuggingFace.

For users located in Canada, you may also use the provided bash script to download the models. Please be aware that this option works outside of Canada, but download speeds will be very slow.

bash scripts/

Running with pre-trained checkpoints

If you wish to load an existing model, choose:

  • an experiment configuration: superemulation, single-emulation, or fine-tuning
  • a desired machine learning model.
  • a seed For each combination, you will have a choice of experiments running with different seeds. In each folder, you can find the exact information of what data and other parameters were used, see the hydra_config.yaml.

Once you have selected a model, decide whether you want to adjust or freeze the model weights and extract the run id and the path of the checkpoint you want to load.

For example, you choose to reload a ClimaX model from a single emulator experiment running on NorESM-LM data. Choose a respective folder, eg. /pretrained_models_small/single_emulator/ClimaX/NorESM2-LM_climax_run1_single_emulator_tas+pr/ and pick on of the run ids e.g. 0ltetwu3. In the respective folder, you will find one or more checkpoints stored in a checkpoints folder. Choose one and copy that path location, e.g. pretrained_models/single_emulator/ClimaX/NorESM2-LM_climax_run1_single_emulator_tas+pr/0ltetwu3/checkpoints/epoch=49-step=2950.ckpt.

To retrain this model (thus fine-tuning), pass on the following arguments and the experiment config to run, or alternatively, create a new config setting these parameters:

# In your experiment_name.yml
  finetune: True # allow further training or freeze if set to False
  pretrained_run_id: "0ltetwu3" 
  pretrained_ckpt_dir: "pretrained_models/single_emulator/ClimaX/NorESM2-LM_climax_run1_single_emulator_tas+pr/0ltetwu3/checkpoints/epoch=49-step=2950.ckpt"

You can also override the parameters directly when running (but pay attention, strings containing equal signs need to be put in double quotes!):

python emulator/  experiment=single_emulator/climax/NorESM2-LM_climax_tas+pr_run-01 logger=none model.pretrained_run_id="0ltetwu3" model.pretrained_ckpt_dir='"pretrained_models/single_emulator/ClimaX/NorESM2-LM_climax_run1_single_emulator_tas+pr/0ltetwu3/checkpoints/epoch=49-step=2950.ckpt"' model.finetune=True

Reloading your own pre-trained checkpoints

Similar to the fine-tuning experiments you can load, fine-tune, and test preexisting models by adjusting the following parameters in the respective experiment config:

# In your experiment_name.yml
    finetune: True
    pretrained_run_id: "" #eg "3u0ys0d5"
    pretrained_ckpt_dir: "" # eg. "causalpaca/emulator/emulator/ne8oyt48/checkpoints/epoch=49-step=2950.ckpt"



Logging locally

To run your model locally can either use no logger at all or tell the wandb logger to log your experiments offline you will need to overwrite the default logger (wandb) and set it to offline:

Option 1: Setting logger to none

# In your experiment_name.yml
  - override /logger: none.yaml

Option 2: Use wandb offline

# In your experiment_name.yml
        project: "YOUR_PROJECT"
        group: "YOUR_GROUP"
        offline: True

Logging to wandb

To run with logging to wandb, you can simply use the wandb logger overwriting the project and group with your project and group and set offline to False (default).

# In your experiment_name.yml
        project: "YOUR_PROJECT"
        group: "YOUR_GROUP"
        offline: False #default

Other logging methods

To set up other logging methods, create a new logging config pointing to either a preimplemented class or a self-implemented class inheriting from a pytorch-lightning logger.


The codebase is divided into two main parts, configs and src. The configs folder provides parameterization for all the modules and experiments possible within the code provided in src.

Within src, core includes all the code for the training and testing pipeline, data loads and creates a custom dataset object from the core ClimateSet dataset and datamodules handles interfacing with the dataset for the different configurations.

Visualization of the codebase

How to add new models

You can add new models in emulator/src/core/models. Each model should inherit from the Basemodel class you can find in Add a new config file for your model in emulator/config/models/.

How to work with the dataset only

If you wish to build your own training pipeline and just wish to make use of the dataset structure, please consider the dataset classes for either single emulation or superemulation and their respective configs ( single and super.

For interfacing with pytorch lightning please consider the single and super emulation datamodules.

How to cite this repo

 author = {Kaltenborn, Julia and Lange, Charlotte and Ramesh, Venkatesh and Brouillard, Philippe and Gurwicz, Yaniv and Nagda, Chandni and Runge, Jakob and Nowack, Peer and Rolnick, David},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {A. Oh and T. Naumann and A. Globerson and K. Saenko and M. Hardt and S. Levine},
 pages = {21757--21792},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {ClimateSet: A Large-Scale Climate Model Dataset for Machine Learning},
 url = {},
 volume = {36},
 year = {2023}

The repository is inspired by ClimART and PL+Hydra template implementation ashleve/lightning-hydra-template


A Large-Scale Climate Model Dataset for Machine Learning

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 88.2%Language:Jupyter Notebook 10.5%Language:Shell 1.3%