Rohitrky2021 / Twilio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenInApp Backend Task

This Task tries to satisfies all the points assigned in the openinapp backend assignment.

Tech Stack

Server: Node, Express

Database: MySql

Calling Service: Twilio

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env.development file you can use the .env.example and rename it to .env.development

NODE_ENV : developemnt or production

DB_USER : MySql database user

DB_PASSWORD : MySql database password

DB_NAME : Database name to be used for this project it can be "openinapp_development"

DB_HOST : or host of remote db

DB_PORT : 3306 (PORT Number)

SALT_ROUNDS : No. of salt rounds for hashing passwords

BACKEND_SERVICE_PORT : Backend Service Port e.g. 8000

JWT_SECRET : Secret for JWT CREATION e.g. "adasdsd"


TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN : Twilio Account Auth Token

TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER : Twilio Acccount by which reminder call has to be made

DEPLOYED_BACKEND_HOST : Publically accessible host of the backend can be a deployed ip or a ngrok link

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd openinapp-backend-task

Install dependencies

  npm install

Install Sequelize-cli

  npm install -g sequelize-cli

Setup DB

  NODE_ENV=developement && npx sequelize-cli db:create

You can change the NODE_ENV if you want to produce a test or a production DB.

if you get error like NODE_ENV is not a recognised as a internal command

Install the win-node-env package

   npm i win-node-env

Run Migrations and Seeders

  npm run db:migrate:up
  npm run db:seed:all

Setup ngrok

open another terminal


replace the BACKEND_SERVICE_PORT with the value you have put in env

After creation of the ngrok update the twilio accounts webhook links with {{ngroklink}}/v1/twilio/voice

Update the env DEPLOYED_HOST_NAME with the {{ngroklink}}

Start the server

  npm run dev




Language:JavaScript 99.2%Language:Batchfile 0.8%