Rohit-Jain-2801 / GestureDriving

Playing Racing Games using Gestures!

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Playing Racing Games using Gestures!


Do you want to play racing game without touching your keyboard keys πŸ™„? Then you are at the right place πŸ˜‡. This project is an application of Hand Detection, that helps demonstrate and simulate Gesture-based Driving 😎.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make sure all necessary dependencies are installed.
  3. Dive into the project folder & run python in your terminal.
  4. Wait for the program to load-up & voila πŸ₯³ then you can play game using gestures!

Video Demonstration

GestureDriving Gameplay

  • YouTube Video - GestureDriving Gameplay of DiRT 3 game


  • Taking arguments from terminal
    • Used argparse library to handle command-line arguments.
    • Tried to make sure, the whole program is manually configurable.
    • Optional Arguments:
      Arg Argument Description
      -h --help Show Help Messages
      -dr --displayRunning Display the Running Processes Paths
      -de --displayEnlisted Display the Enlisted Processes Paths
      -a val --add val Number of Process Paths to be added to Collection
      -rm --remove Remove Process Path(s) from Collection
      -e --edit Edit Process Path(s) in Collection
      -dc --default_configuration Display Default Configuration
      -c --configure Run with Manual Configuration. Place "-1" to skip
    • Note: -c optional argument takes a number of arguments/values-
      • frame_width: width of the input camera video
      • frame_height: height of the input camera video
      • fps_div: frames to be considered apart from each other
      • min_detection_conf: minimum detection confidence
      • min_tracking_conf: minimum tracking confidence
      • measure: 0 for distance measure or 1 for comparison measure
      • nitrous: 0 for no-nitrous or 1 for nitrous support
      • dir_thr_sm: direction threshold small
      • dir_thr_bg: direction threshold big
      • app_flag: apply keyboard mapping to all applications
  • Displaying Running processes paths
    • Used psutil library to get list of running processes paths.
  • Add, remove, edit, display Collection/Enlisted processes paths
    • Used basic file operations on txt file.
    • The program will only run if process's path enlisted is found to be running.
    • If No process is enlisted, the program will run in Demo mode.
  • Display default configuration
    • Used inspect module to get default configuraton arguments.
  • Detecting hands in the realtime video feed
    • Used OpenCV to access VideoCamera and to display landmarks & other stuffs on it.
    • Used MediaPipe for Hands Detection & Tracking.
  • Implementing driving actions
    • Without Nitrous support
      • Right Thumb Down: Acceleration (Up Arrow)
      • Left Thumb Down: Reverse (Down Arrow)
      • Both Thumbs Up: No Action
    • With Nitrous support
      • Right Thumb Down: Nitrous & Acceleration (Ctrl + Up Arrow)
      • Left Thumb Down: Reverse (Down Arrow)
      • Both Thumbs Up: Acceleration (Up Arrow)
    • Note: If both the thumbs are down, preference will be given to left thumb.
  • Implementing turning actions
    • Considered angle of rotation to make a turn.
      • While angle below dir_thr_sm: no action.
      • While angle between dir_thr_sm & dir_thr_bg: button is pressed & released.
      • While angle above dir_thr_bg: button is pressed until angle is no longer above.
  • Support for One-Hand Driving
    • Driving actions will be dependent upon the hand used (left/right).
    • Turning actions will take center of video frame as reference.
  • Configuring Driving & Turning actions
    • Can be easily re-configured with little knowledge of python πŸ€—.
  • Determining if thumb is down enough
    • Considered constant*handSize to get a threshold for determining if thumb is down on index-finger.
  • Implementing key-mappings of keyboard
    • Used keyboard library for key-mappings.
  • Determining if enlisted process is focused
    • Used win32gui library to get hwnd, passing it to win32process library to get it's corresponding pid.
    • This is followed by matching it to enlisted process pid got from psutil.
    • If both the pids' matches, then key-mapping are performed else not.
    • This ensures key-mappings are restricted to enlisted process only.

Future Scope

  • Provide options for changing key-mappings.
  • Provide GUI Interface for manual configuration.
  • Improve Hand detection & tracking specially in case of high contrast.
  • Improve thumb-based & turn action while playing.
  • Support for multiple applications at a time.
  • Support for OS other than Windows.
  • Automatic start-up support when OS loads.


Playing Racing Games using Gestures!


Language:Python 100.0%