RohanGautam / SpaceApps-Drone-Control

πŸš€ A controller and obstacle visualizer for an unmanned areal vehicles. Winner(Singapore) NASA SpaceApps 2019

Repository from Github https://github.comRohanGautam/SpaceApps-Drone-ControlRepository from Github https://github.comRohanGautam/SpaceApps-Drone-Control


An intuitive app developed to control Unmanned Arial vehicles (UAVs), along with proximity object detection. Winner (Singapore), NASA SpaceApps challenge, 2019.

The challenge we tackled is here.

Developed alongside SpaceApps-Drone-Inject, located here.

Working demo:

UAV control

Schematic for both Code injection and UAV control (present in rPiFiles/schematic)


Communication is done via websockets between the flutter application(client) and the RPi(server), so make sure you change HOST (both in and clientWebSocket.dart) to your particular private IP address, and ensure both the Pi and the flutter mobile app are connected to the same network.

⚠ Make sure to disconnect the resistor to ground from the distance sensor before trying the injection example with the LED's, as the resistor connected to ground might pull down the voltage and LED's may not light up at all.



πŸš€ A controller and obstacle visualizer for an unmanned areal vehicles. Winner(Singapore) NASA SpaceApps 2019


Language:Dart 77.7%Language:Python 16.9%Language:Swift 2.8%Language:Kotlin 2.4%Language:Objective-C 0.3%