Rohan7050 / react-dynamic-meta-tags

Adding dynamic meta tags to a React app without SSR

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Adding dynamic meta tags to a React app without SSR

Support repository for "Adding dynamic meta tags to a React app without SSR" tutorial. A simple and effective solution to inject dynamic meta tags in a React app without SSR.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

The problem

If you want to set up dynamic meta tags based on different URLs in your project (e.g. /home, /about, /detail?id=1, /detail?id=2), you have to do it server-side. Web crawlers don’t always execute JavaScript code when examining a webpage, so if you want to make sure that they read your meta tags, you need to set them up before the browser receives the page. But what if I don’t have server-side-rendering (SSR) for my app?

The solution

The article shows how to serve the app from a Node/Express backend to inject the meta tags before returning the HTML page to the client.

Run the project

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run server

Builds the app for production and start the server on port 3000.

You can see how meta tags changes based on the requested URL, e.g. http://localhost:3000/post?id=1, http://localhost:3000/post?id=2


Adding dynamic meta tags to a React app without SSR


Language:JavaScript 60.1%Language:HTML 26.6%Language:CSS 13.2%