RodH257 / HttpServer365

Basic HTTP Server created for learning purposes

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Execution Instructions
Extract the files to a directory on a Linux based machine.

To run the server use:

make clean && make && sudo ./server 80

Where 80 is the port you wish to listen on. You can omit sudo if you are already running with elevated privileges. Press Control + C to exit.

To run the client use:

make clean && make && sudo ./client localhost 80

Where localhost is the hostname you wish to connect to, and 80 is the port. 
Description of Data Structures Used
The application is setup in five files
server.h – The header file that defines the functions for the main server program
server.c – The source file that implements these functions 
connection_queue.h – The connection queue data structure definition and functions that relate to it
connection_queue.c – The implementation of these functions
client.c – The client application code

The connection_queue data structure represents a queue of connections waiting to be read from.  It is a simple implementation of a generic queue data structure, it has an array of integers representing connections, and has a first and last array index pointer for adding to and removing from the queue.

In addition to this, there is a mutex, queue_mutex which is used to control access to the queue, and two semaphores, slots_free and slots_used, which act as counters for the amount of free spots and used spots in the queue. This provides a convenient way of signaling when there is a connection added to or removed from the queue.

An array of connection_queue objects is created in server.c, when a new connection comes in this array is added to using functions from connection_queue.c. This means that all semaphore and mutex use is handled by the connection_queue itself, each thread just needs to call the functions defined in connection_queue.h

Server.c defines the thread pool as an array of pthread_t’s which are created in the main method. They simply poll the connection_queue for new connections to process. When a connection is processed a simple character array is used to read and send data.

Description of Each Program
The client program is used to create a simple GET request to the server. It takes in command line parameters that specify which host and socket to connect to. When the program runs it sets up a connection to this host and sends a “GET / HTTP/1.0” request, and prints the result to the console. 

The server program creates a socket on a specified port and waits for connections. When a client connects, its connection is put into a queue where worker threads will then process. The connection is read, and if the request is a GET request the server will locate the file requested and send the result back. The server continues listening for connections until it is closed.
Description of Execution
In the server, the main method first creates a new connection queue and initializes it, and then it creates and stores the 30 threads that will be used to read connections from this queue.  

After performing this setup, the socket is created on the requested port using the listen() function, and listening begins. Connections are then accepted through the accept() function. When a connection arrives it is immediately added to the connection queue, and the server waits for a new connection. 

To add a connection to the queue queue, the add_connection and get_next_connection functions from connection_queue.c will make use of the slots_free and slots_used semaphores to control the amount of free slots available in the connection queue. Access to modify the queue is protected via the queue_mutex. 

Once a new connection is added, the slots_used semaphore will be updated, which will kick off the processing of this connection by one of the threads created in the thread_pool. This thread will call the get_next_connection method to remove the connection from the queue and update the slots_free semaphore. 

The connection_handler function is then called and is supplied with the connections file descriptor. The get_line functions is used to read the first line of the request is read into a buffer using the recv() function, and this buffer is analyzed to determine that the request is a GET request for a certain file. The rest of the request is then read and discarded.

The file is then read from the disk and sent in a HTTP 200 response along with the server headers. If the file is missing, a 404 response is sent via the send_line function which utilizes the send() function.  Once this has been done, the connection is closed and the thread begins waiting for a new connection to be added to the connection_queue once more. 

To close the server, control + c is pressed, which sends a SIGINT message. This is handled by the sigint_handler function which properly closes the socket before exiting. 

In the client program, the hostname and port to connect to are read from the command line. The host that this hostname refers to is resolved and a socket is crated. Once the socket is setup a GET request for the / path is sent to the server and a response is waited on. Once the response arrives, the output is written to the console and the program exits.


Basic HTTP Server created for learning purposes


Language:C 100.0%