Rock1965 / yFlowGen

yFlowGen can generate flowchart automatically using C language (C, C ++) source file.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Flow chart (gml or dot+svg file format) is automatically generated by inputting C language (C, C ++) source file to yFlowGen.exe.
In addition to the execution method at the command prompt, a method to execute it with the GUI is also available separately.

The file format can be selected from "GML file" or "DOT file + SVG file".

Example : For GML files

Execute the following command at the windows command prompt. In the example, specify sample.c as the source file.

yFlowGen.exe -f sample.c  


Example : For DOT + SVG files

Execute the following command at the windows command prompt. In the example, specify sample.c as the source file. In the case of DOT+SVG files, automatic alignment is also performed by the function of Graphviz.

yFlowGen.exe -f sample.c -format dot 


How to run yFlowGen.exe

    1. Please open a Windows command prompt.
    1. Please execute yFlowGen.exe by specifying the source code after "-f" option.
    1. Results are outputted in the flow_file below the result_yFlowGen folder.
    1. The log is output to log_yFlowGen.txt. The following arguments can be specified when executing.
yFlowGen.exe -f <filePath> -no_compact -no_comment -out1file -out_group_comment
yFlowGen.exe -d <dirPath> -no_compact -no_comment -out1file -out_group_comment

-f <filePath> : Path of file to analyze.(It can be omitted if -d is described)
-d <dirPath>  : Path of folder containing source files. (It can be omitted if -f is described)
-format <format> : Entering "-format dot" generates DOT and SVG files. (If omitted, GML files are generated.)
-out1file     : Output 1 GML file per 1 source file. (Optional)
-no_compact   : Turn off the setting to make the processing block size as small as possible. (Optional)
-no_comment   : Do not display comments on flowchart. (Optional)
-no_color     : Do not color the block. (Optional)
-no_dec       : Do not display blocks with declarations only. (Optional)
-out_group_comment : Place comments outside the group.(Optional)
-no_disp_struct : Do not display struct and union. (Optional)
-no_reset     : Do not delete result folder when script start.(Optional)
-true_false   : Describe the judgment of if/else_if with True/False (described as Yes/No when not set)
-no_connection_point : No additional connection points (Optional. add connection points if not set)
-define <defA,defB,defC=1,etc>: Valid #define names. (Optional.To specify more than one, separate them by commas.)
-left_flow_is_no: Left of IF branch is NO, right is YES. (Optional)
-add_extension <cxx,cs,etc> : Additional extension. (Optional)
-pj_name <your_project_name> : Project Name. (Optional)
-copy_org_code : Copy the input file source code to the results folder. (Optional)


  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10 32/64 bit
  • Windows 7 32/64 bit


yFlowGen can generate flowchart automatically using C language (C, C ++) source file.