RobotDisco / mattermost-clj

Generated Mattermost OpenAPI Client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a generated Mattermost API client. It uses Mattermost's OpenAPI specification and the openapi-generator tool.


[mattermost-clj "4.0.0"]


(require '[mattermost-clj.core :as mattermost])

(def my-token "xxxyyyzzz")

(def host "")

   {:debug true
    :base-url (str "https://" host "/api/v4")
    :auths {"api_key" (str "Bearer " token)}})

;; try calling an API
(require '[mattermost-clj.api.teams :as teams])




brew install openapi-generator

Explore the openapi-generator CLI

openapi-generator help
openapi-generator help generate
openapi-generator config-help -g clojure

Obtain OpenAPI spec

Obtain a fresh copy of the spec and commit this to the repo to keep it in sync with generated source:

curl -o openapi.yaml

Note: use openapi-generator 3.x. 4.x generates buggy Clojure specs that break the generated client.

To install 3.3.0:

brew install

Generate the client

The spec contains a few validation errors, so we need to skip validation with --skip-validate-spec in order to generate.

openapi-generator generate \
    --skip-validate-spec \
    -i openapi.yaml -c gen-config.json -g clojure -o client

Know validation errors are:

Semantic error at paths./posts/{post_id}/
Schemas with 'type: array', require a sibling 'items: ' field
Line 6546

Structural error at paths./system/ping.get.responses.500
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: schema
Line 7564

Structural error at paths./brand/image.get.responses.404
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: description
Line 9910

Structural error at paths./brand/image.delete.responses.404
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: description
Line 9995

Manually patched openapi.yaml to fix these. Follow along on the GitHub issue which recommends fixes.

  • Manually patched to include auth in calls via:

    :auth-names    ["api_key"]

    Note: these namespaces have been patched:

    • teams
    • bots
    • posts
    • channels
    • users

We can't regenerate the client at this point since so many manual patches needed to be applied.

Reported in issue #485.

Install client locally

cd client && lein install; cd ..

Deploy to Clojars

Make sure to bump version in clilent/project.clj first.

cd client && lein deploy; cd ..


Generated Mattermost OpenAPI Client


Language:Clojure 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%