RoboMico / log4cc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple log system for your programs in CC: Tweaked mod of Minecraft.


First download the lib via wget:

wget run

This remote script will get the latest version of log4cc and save it into lib/log4cc.lua.

Simple Logging

Include the module in your program:

local log4cc = require "lib.log4cc"

Then use, log4cc.debug(), log4cc.warn() and log4cc.error() to make log:"Hello log4cc!")
log4cc.debug("Some debugging message")
log4cc.warn("You'd better watch out...")
log4cc.error("Something went wrong!")

The default config only enables console logging. Beside this, log4cc supports file and remote logging.


Method 1: Edit config in your program

The config data is stored in log4cc.config as a table. The following piece of code enables file logging into log.txt:

log4cc.config.file.enabled = true
log4cc.config.file.fileName = "log.txt""log something")

Use edit log.txt in CraftOS to read the log.

Method 2: Import config from file

First get the default config template:

wget run

Type edit config.lua, then you can make configuration as you like, for example enable the remote logging and make computer #5 as the receiver:

local log4cc = require "lib.log4cc"

return {
    console = {
        enabled = true,
        format = "[{time}][{level}] {content}{newline}",
        level =
    file = {
        enabled = false,
        format = "[{time}][{level}] {content}{newline}",
        level =,
        fileName = nil
    remote = {
        enabled = true, -- modify into true
        format = "[{time}][{level}] {source}: {content}{newline}",
        level =,
        targetID = {5} -- set computer #5 as the receiver

Now import the config in your program:

log4cc.config = require "config"

Remote Logging

Let's say you have a mining turtle in your cave and you are 1000 blocks away from your home. You want to make sure the turtle is working well all the time. Walking back to home takes too much time, then you can use remote log in the mining program of your turtle and target your mobile computer as the receiver.

First, include log4cc in your mining program, and do some configuration:

local log4cc = require "lib.log4cc"
log4cc.config.remote.enabled = true
log4cc.config.remote.targetID = {3} -- Replace the 3 with the ID of your own mobile computer

Then, send log while turtle's working:

if outOfFuel then
    log4cc.warn("Out of fuel!") -- Use log4cc.warn or log4cc.error if someting went wrong
if inventoryIsFull then
    log4cc.warn("Inventory is full!")
log4cc.log("Dig success!")

Finally, run a listener program on your mobile computer to receive log. We have already prepared one, download it by running:

wget run

Then type listen to start listening. Hold Ctrl+T to terminate it.

Custom Formatting

Edit the format string of logging method in log4cc.config to modify log format. You can use some symbols to output time, log level, ID of the log sender, etc.

{time}    --  System time, like "11:02:40"
{level}   --  Log level, like "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Debug"
{content} --  The content of log
{source}  --  Lable and ID of the log sender, like "#6 Mining Turtle". Useful in remote logging
{newline} --  Start a new line

Bug report

Please file an issue at here if anything comes out of the expected.


Merge Requests are welcome if you have any great ideas!


License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%