RobinMalfait / refine-vue2

A Vue query builder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Usage with Laravel Mix

Install Refine and its peer dependencies.

yarn add @hamemrstone/refine-vue2 @vue/composition-api vue2-datepicker

Wherever you import Vue (usually app.js), you'll need to add the VueCompositionAPI.

import Vue from 'vue';

// Add the following two lines.
import VueCompositionAPI from '@vue/composition-api';

You'll need to include two stylesheets.

There are many ways to include external stylesheets, depending on what your setup is. If you're using PostCSS, you can use the postcss-import plugin by first requiring npm install -D postcss-import it.

And then modifying your webpack.mix.js to reference it.

mix.postCss('resources/css/app.css', 'public/css', [

If you're using Tailwind, you can include the Tailwind version of the CSS by referencing it explicitly:

@import "@hammerstone/refine-vue2/src/assets/styles/tailwind.css";

If you're not using Tailwind, you can use the vanilla version:

@import "@hammerstone/refine-vue2/dist/refine-vue2.css";

Finally, you'll need to import the datepicker styles:

@import "vue2-datepicker/index.css";

If you prefer to include the stylesheet in your layout instead of importing it through your build process, you may do so via the unpkg CDN.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />


A Vue query builder


Language:JavaScript 35.2%Language:TypeScript 33.3%Language:Vue 28.7%Language:CSS 2.9%