RobiMez / beud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project info and setup

Project is built with the bleeding edge version of python telegram bot ie. v20 prerelease0 and supports bot api 6.0.

bot can be found at @BeuDeliveriesBot ( inactive to save on server resources , ask me for a demo )

It implements cool things like , local pickle persistence , state management and also prompt-handler flows.

To run it locally , clone the repo
Add the deadsnakes ppa if your python version is lower than 3.7 and apt install python3.7

Then do python3.7 -m pip install requirements.txt 
Then do python3.7 -m pip install python-telegram-bot --pre

Then just simply python3.7

Some of the features here have not been implemented due to time constraints.[ There is only so much one dev can do with only 5 days ] image

Data structure

User =

    name: string
    phone : numeric
    telegram_id : numeric
    is_banned : bool
    is_vip : bool 
live_orders : list of orders
order_history: list of orders

Restaurant =

phone : numeric
location : string or lat, long

is_currently_open : bool 
working_hours : list of hours

menu : list of meals
orders : Queue of orders

Order =

issuer : User
issued_for : Restaurant
order_id : numeric
ordered_meals : list of meals
sum_price : numeric
is_paid : bool
state : string

Meal =

meal_code : numeric
meal_name : string
image_url : string
price : numeric
ingredients : list of ingredients


    /start : starts the bot and also inits you 
    /register_as_restaurant : sets user with additional [restscope] perms
    /register_as_dispatcher : sets user with additional [dispatchscope] perms
    /register_for_vip : sets user with additional [vipscope] perms

    /place_vip_order : places an order with special care

    /place_order :  place order 
    /cancel_order : cancel unsubmitted order 
    /submit_order : no turning back 
    /list_placed_orders : list all orders 
    /order_recieved : order recieved by user 
/rate : rate the restaurant
    {restaurant} : rate the restaurant
    {deliverer} : rate the deliverer

    /accept_order : accept order 
    /reject_order : reject order 
    /list_pending_orders : list all orders 
    /dispatch_order : mark order as dispatched 
    /ban_user : ban user
    /unban_user : unban user
    /set_working_hours : set working hours
    /set_location : set location
    /set_is_currently_open : set is currently open
    /clear_menu : clear menu
    {meal , restaurant{menu} }
    /add_meal : adds a meal to the restaurant menu 
    /remove_meal : remove a meal from the restaurant menu 

[AdminScope] ;> find out lol 

    /order_delivered : mark order as delivered
    /order_on_the_way : mark order as on the way
    /order_damaged : mark order as damaged on transit 


notify incoming 
accept / decline
see pending 
mark pending 
identify restaurants by phone 

bot replies should update keyboards and states and talk text
 while user inputs should soley be MDkeyboard based , ie 
click on inline buttons for orders and app keyboards for menus and so on

use custom context types that get populated from db on startup 



Language:Python 100.0%