RobertoTjesse / Add-basemaps-to-QGIS

Add Open Layers to QGIS3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Adding Open Layers to QGIS3

This script should be run from the Python console inside QGIS. To access this use CTRL+ALT+P, and just copy and paste the content located in the following code block. It will add online sources to the QGIS Browser.

PD: Each source contains a list with the following items (string type): [sourcetype, title, authconfig, password, referer, url, username, zmax, zmin] You can add or remove sources from the sources section of the code. Many thanks to Klas Karlsson Sources from

Licence GPL-3

PDD: Regarding the terms of use for these background maps YOU will need to verify that you follow the individual EULA that comes with the different services,

# Sources
sources = []
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Google Maps","","","","","","19","0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Google Satellite", "", "", "", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Google Terrain", "", "", "", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Google Terrain Hybrid", "", "", "", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Google Satellite Hybrid", "", "", "", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Stamen Terrain", "", "", "Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Stamen Toner", "", "", "Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Stamen Toner Light", "", "", "Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Stamen Watercolor", "", "", "Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL", "", "", "18", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Wikimedia Hike Bike Map", "", "", "OpenStreetMap contributors, under ODbL", "", "", "17", "1"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Open Sea Map", "", "", "OpenSeaMap", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Boundaries Places", "", "", "", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Gray (dark)", "", "", "", "", "", "16", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Gray (light)", "", "", "", "", "", "16", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri National Geographic", "", "", "", "", "", "12", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Ocean", "", "", "", "", "", "10", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Satellite", "", "", "", "", "", "17", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Standard", "", "", "", "", "", "17", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Terrain", "", "", "", "", "", "13", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Transportation", "", "", "", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Esri Topo World", "", "", "", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","OpenStreetMap Standard", "", "", "OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA", "", "", "19", "0"])

sources.append(["connections-xyz","OpenStreetMap H.O.T.", "", "", "OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","OpenStreetMap Monochrome", "", "", "OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","OpenTopoMap", "", "", "Kartendaten: © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende, SRTM | Kartendarstellung: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)", "", "", "17", "1"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Strava All", "", "", "OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA", "", "", "15", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Strava Run", "", "", "OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA", "", "", "15", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Open Weather Map Temperature", "", "", "Map tiles by OpenWeatherMap, under CC BY-SA 4.0", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Open Weather Map Clouds", "", "", "Map tiles by OpenWeatherMap, under CC BY-SA 4.0", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Open Weather Map Wind Speed", "", "", "Map tiles by OpenWeatherMap, under CC BY-SA 4.0", "", "", "19", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","CartoDb Dark Matter", "", "", "Map tiles by CartoDB, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","CartoDb Positron", "", "", "Map tiles by CartoDB, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.", "", "", "20", "0"])
sources.append(["connections-xyz","Bing VirtualEarth", "", "", "", "{q}.jpeg?g=1", "", "19", "1"])

# Add sources to browser
for source in sources:
   connectionType = source[0]
   connectionName = source[1]
   QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/authcfg" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[2])
   QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/password" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[3])
   QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/referer" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[4])
   QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/url" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[5])
   QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/username" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[6])
   QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/zmax" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[7])
   QSettings().setValue("qgis/%s/%s/zmin" % (connectionType, connectionName), source[8])

# Update GUI

And some screenshots

step 1 and 2

step 3


Add Open Layers to QGIS3