RobertoMalatesta / Tools4AI

Large Action Model in 100% Java. How to Use Gemini/OpenAI/LocalAI with Java , Function Calling, Chaining and validation, it also introduces concepts of Actionable prompts and predictable prompts. Can work with OpenAI, LocalAI or locally hosted LLM as well.

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Table of Contents

πŸ“Œ Rapid Start

🧱 Do you want to start building ASAP , Look at Rapid start here

🌱 Integration of Spring Controller and AI Actions -

πŸ’‘ Tools4AI

Tools4AI is 100% Java implementation of Large Action Model (LAM) and can act as LLM agent for integration with enterprise Java applications. This project illustrates the integration of AI with enterprise tools or external tools, converting natural language prompts into actiona ble behaviors. These prompts can be called "action prompts" or "actionable prompts" By leveraging AI capabilities, it streamlines user interactions with complex systems, enhancing productivity and innovation across diverse applications.

For example , we can integrate AI with a customer service application. Users can interact with the AI system by asking
questions or making requests in natural language. For example, a user might ask,"Schedule a maintenance
appointment for my car."
The AI system interprets the request, extracts relevant information such as the
service required and preferred date, and then triggers the appropriate action in the customer service
application to schedule the appointment. This seamless integration streamlines the process for users and
enhances the efficiency of the customer service workflow.

Prompt Action
Create a new task for the marketing campaign. The AI system interprets the request and generates a new task entry within the project management tool dedicated to the marketing campaign, assigning it relevant details such as priority level, due date, and task description.
Generate a sales report for the previous quarter. The AI system accesses data from the company's sales database, analyzes the information for the previous quarter, and generates a comprehensive sales report, which is then delivered to the user or stored in the appropriate location for access.
Check the inventory status of product X. The AI system retrieves real-time inventory data for product X from the inventory management system and provides the user with information regarding current stock levels, including quantities available, locations, and any pending orders.
Schedule a video conference with the engineering team for next Monday at 10 AM. The AI system interfaces with the calendar and scheduling tool, creates a new event titled "Engineering Team Video Conference" for the specified date and time, and sends out meeting invitations to all members of the engineering team.
Submit a reimbursement request for the business trip expenses. The AI system guides the user through the reimbursement request process, collecting necessary details such as expense receipts, dates, amounts, and purpose of expenditure. Once compiled, the system submits the reimbursement request to the appropriate department for processing.

Prompt prediction is a technique used to anticipate user actions based on their input prompts. For instance, if a user's prompt is "my car broke down," in addition to the action "bookTaxi," the AI system can predict a set of subsequent actions such as "bookCarService" and "orderFood" (if it's dinner time). This predictive capability enhances the user experience by proactively suggesting relevant actions or services based on the context provided in the prompt.


Download source and build from scratch

mvn clean install

if you are using Intellij or eclipse make sure you set -parameters option for compiler

Or use as maven dependency


check for latest version here

πŸ“˜ JavaDocs

Look at the java docs here -


Make sure you have gcloud project set up and have enabled vertex API

        String projectId = "cookgptserver" // this can be any server name you create in your GCloud
        String location = "us-central1";
        String modelName = "gemini-1.0-pro";

You have to mention your project id from Gcloud


If you plan to use OpenAI instead of Gemini you will need OpenAI api key

πŸ‘‰ Quick Start

mvn exec:java

The above command will run WeatherSearchExample with a prompt Hey I am in Toronto do you think i can go out without jacket as we all know Gemini AI (or any other AI) does not have real time weather information, Tools4AI will pick the location information from the query and do an api call to for real time weather infomraiton which is fed back to Gemini which gives back the answer
If you rerun this program with a new prompt "Hey I am in Delhi do you think i can go out without jacket, also let me know best places to visit here" this will get the weather information and feed it back to Gemini and again go back with additional question and gets back with landmarks in delhi

πŸ› οΈ Tools Integration

   AITools tools = new AITools(projectId,location,modelName);
   RestaurantPojo pojo = (RestaurantPojo)tools.invokeClass(promptText,"","RestaurantClass","Create Pojo from the prompt");
   return pojo.toString();

The above code can be executed with prompts like this

can you book a dinner reseration for Vishal and his family of 4 at Maharaj on Indian Independence day and make sure its cancellable

and it will create Pojo and can invoke method directly

for example here is how a java method is mapped

tools.invokeMethod (prompt, JavaClassNAME, JavaMethodName)

The above code will map the NLP prompt to a java method and execute the method , the argment in the method will be
pouplated from the prompt directly so for example if you have prompt like this

prompt ="give me all the Hindi movie showtimes for sunday"

and Map it to a JavaClass MovieImpl with Method getShowTime("language","day") then the tools.invoke should be called with tools.invokeMethod(prompt,"com.package.MovieImpl","getShowTime") The parameters and everything will be mapped automtically using AI and method will get invoked results will be parsed to
AI and other tools can be chained together, in this case language will be hindi and day will be mapped to sunday

Other Such invoke integrations are

tools.invokeTibco // this will create a json object and inject in Tibco based on the parameters extracted from prompts
tools.invokeDatabase //this will insert the data directly into sql db based on prompts
tools.invokeCustomApplication //parameters can be extracted from prompt and coverted into xml or json which can then be used  
                              //to call custom applicaiton for example Jira ALM etc
tools.invokeHTTPPOST // Call rest api based on prompt
tools.invokeHTTPGET  // call rest post method

These can be called with one single action method as well

tools.action(ActionType.HTTPGET, <list of arguments including prompt>)


tools.action(ActionType.JAVAMETHOD, <list of arguments including prompt>)

✈️ Reference Examples

These are references which i have created using the above AIAction , this shows how the actionable prompts work
RecipeTasteFinder This class demonstrates function calling with mapped Hashmap response
RecipeTasteAndDiet Execute the class for function chaining with 2 functions mapped Hashmap response
MultiBot Run this class for function chaining with 2 functions Airline booking and restaurant booking
UdoKhaoDekho 3 functions Flight , Restaurant and Movie

πŸš€ Actionable Prompts

These are the example of actionable prompts , directly take action based on the prompts

public class MongoAction implements AIAction { The MongoAction class implements the AIAction interface, indicating that it defines an action to be performed within an AI system. Specifically, this class is responsible for inserting data into a MongoDB database. Method within the MongoAction class will be automatically invoked when this action is triggered, typically in response to specific user prompts or interactions.

πŸ›Έ Predictable Prompts

public class MongoAction implements AIAction { 

@PredictAnnotation will make our action predictable ,By annotating the MongoAction class with @Predict, we are indicating that this action is predictable. This annotation instructs the AI system to automatically call the methods within the MongoAction class when it determines that the user prompt matches the action. In other words, if the input prompt provided by the user aligns with the behavior represented by the MongoAction, the AI system will invoke the corresponding method within MongoAction to execute the action of inserting data into the MongoDB database. This predictive capability streamlines user interactions by automatically executing relevant actions based on user prompts.

public class SendEmailAction implements AIAction {
public void sendEmail(String recipient, String message) {
// Logic to send an email to the specified recipient with the given message

This action is responsible for sending an email. When annotated with @Predict, the AI system will automatically call the execute method of SendEmailAction when it predicts that the user prompt is related to sending an email.

public class SearchAction implements AIAction {
    public void search(String query) {
        // Logic to perform a search with the specified query

When annotated with @Predict, the AI system will call the execute method of SearchAction when it predicts that the user prompt is related to searching for information.

🧱 Prediction Loaders

πŸ”‘ Java Prediction Loaders

All the classes implementing JavaMethodAction interfaces and having annotation @Predict are added to prediction list JavaMethodAction is integral to creating all AI-related actions, with each action implemented as a function adhering to the principles of functional programming. The function's name should be descriptive, aligning closely with the action it performs @Predict Annotation: This annotation ensures that the AIAction object is included in our prediction list. While not mandatory, it's advisable to mark all actions with @Predict for automatic execution. However, for highly customized actions like deleting records or canceling reservations, omitting this annotation might be preferable to prevent automatic execution.

actionName the descriptive name of the primary function within the class. It's crucial to name this function accurately, as AI utilizes semantic mapping at runtime to correlate the function.

@Predict(actionName = "whatFoodDoesThisPersonLike", description = "what is the food preference of this person ")
public class SimpleAction implements JavaMethodAction {

    public String whatFoodDoesThisPersonLike(String name) {
            return "Paneer Butter Masala";
        else if ("vinod".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
            return "aloo kofta";
            return "something yummy";


So prompt like Hey Vishal is coming to my house for dinner will automatically trigger method whatFoodDoesThisPersonLike with name Vishal

πŸ–ŒοΈ Shell Prediction Loader

The prediction loader is responsible for loading command scripts, shell scripts, Python scripts, or any other type of script from configuration files. It utilizes the actionName field from the configuration to map to prompts in real-time. Here's an example configuration entry:

- scriptName: "test_script.cmd"
  actionName: saveEmployeeInformation
  parameters: employeeName,employeeLocation
  description: This is a command which will save employee information

During runtime, the prediction loader dynamically extracts parameters from the prompt. Subsequently, it invokes the corresponding script based on the action name. Upon execution, the script processes the parameters and generates a result, which is then sent back to the AI system. Finally, the AI system formulates a response based on the received result and provides feedback accordingly. User: "Hey, Bahubali joined the IFC and we are so happy."

In this prompt:

"Hey" serves as a casual greeting. "Bahubali" represents the name of the new joiner, which needs to be extracted as a parameter. "joined the IFC" implies an action, where the specifics of the action need to be determined. "IFC" is the name of the organization. "we are so happy" provides additional context but doesn't directly affect the action to be taken. The AI system first matches the user's intent with a list of all available actions. In this case, it selects the "saveEmployeeInformation" action as the best match. Then, it maps the parameters accordingly: "Bahubali" as the employee's name and "IFC" as the organization's name. This allows the AI system to accurately understand and execute the user's request.

βœ’οΈ Swagger Prediction Loader

The Swagger Prediction Loader is capable of directly loading HTTP endpoints as predictions, enabling automatic execution of commands that semantically match the endpoints with extracted parameters. The screenshot provided is from, included as an example. Each endpoint within this API is converted to an HttpPredictedAction and dynamically added to the prediction list in real-time by the SwaggerPredictionLoader.

This seamless integration allows for streamlined execution of commands based on the available HTTP endpoints. Parsing Swagger/OpenAPI Specification: The Swagger Prediction Loader reads the Swagger/OpenAPI specification file, which describes the available endpoints, their methods (e.g., GET, POST), parameters, and other details.

Endpoint Extraction: The loader extracts each endpoint from the specification, along with its associated metadata such as method, path, parameters, etc.

Action Mapping: For each endpoint, the loader creates an HttpPredictedAction object. This action represents the corresponding HTTP operation (e.g., GET, POST) that clients can perform on the endpoint.

Parameter Extraction: The loader extracts parameters defined for each endpoint, such as query parameters, path parameters, headers, etc.

Action Configuration: The extracted parameters are configured within the HttpPredictedAction object, allowing for dynamic parameterization during execution. Parameters may be mapped to placeholders within the endpoint URL or included in the request body, headers, etc., as specified by the endpoint definition.

Addition to Prediction List: Finally, the HttpPredictedAction objects are added to the prediction list, making them available for automatic execution based on user prompts. Users can invoke actions by providing prompts that match the semantic intent of the mapped endpoints, and the system will execute the corresponding HTTP operation with the extracted parameters.

In essence, the Swagger Prediction Loader leverages the structure and metadata defined in the Swagger/OpenAPI specification to dynamically create HttpPredictedAction objects, allowing for seamless integration of HTTP endpoints into the prediction system

✍️ Http Prediction Loader

HttpPredictionLoader is responsible for loading the manual http endpoint configuration which look something like this

  "endpoints": [
      "actionName": "getUserDetails",
      "description" : " this will fetch User details from the user inventory corporate application",
      "url": "",
      "type": "GET",
      "input_object": [
        "name": "userId",
        "type": "path_parameter",
        "description": "User ID"

      "output_object": {
        "type": "json",
        "description": "User object"
      "auth_interface": {
        "type": "Bearer Token",
        "description": "Authentication token required"

For the manual definition of HTTP endpoints using a configuration file like the one provided, the process involves specifying each endpoint along with its associated details such as action name, description, URL, HTTP method (type), input parameters, output object, and authentication interface. Here's how the mapping process occurs:

Configuration File Parsing: The application parses the configuration file to extract each endpoint definition along with its metadata.

Endpoint Mapping: For each endpoint defined in the configuration file, an HttpPredictedAction object is created to represent the corresponding HTTP operation.

Action Configuration: The metadata provided in the configuration file is used to configure the HttpPredictedAction object:

Action Name: Specifies the name of the action, which serves as a unique identifier.
Description: Provides a brief description of what the action does or its purpose.
URL: Defines the endpoint URL to which the HTTP request will be sent.
HTTP Method (Type): Specifies the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST) to be used for the request.
Input Parameters: Describes the input parameters required for the HTTP request, such as path parameters, query parameters, etc.
Output Object: Defines the format and structure of the response expected from the endpoint.
Authentication Interface: Specifies the authentication mechanism required to access the endpoint, along with any necessary credentials.
Parameter Extraction: The input parameters defined for each endpoint are extracted and configured within the HttpPredictedAction object.

Addition to Prediction List: Finally, the HttpPredictedAction objects representing the manually defined endpoints are added to the prediction list, making them available for automatic execution based on user prompts.

This approach allows for flexibility in defining HTTP endpoints outside of a Swagger/OpenAPI specification, enabling the manual configuration of endpoints to suit specific application requirements.

πŸ–ŠοΈ Extended Prediction Loader

The ExtendedPredictionLoader offers a mechanism for creating custom prediction loaders. While Shell, HTTP, and Java Methods are supported by default, there may arise situations or use cases necessitating a custom set of actions. It's important to note the distinction between custom actions and ExtendedPredictedAction. Custom actions can be created by implementing the AIAction class, while ExtendedPredictedAction have their own loading mechanism. These actions are already present in the prediction list by default and cannot be predicted again.

To create custom implementations of ExtendedPredictionLoader, you need to annotate the loader class with @ActivateLoader. Prediction loader will then identify all classes with this annotation and call the getExtendedActions() method. This method should return the action names along with their corresponding ExtendedPredictOptions, allowing for the seamless integration of custom actions into the prediction system.

Autonomous Agent

Action Script

If you have a complete script written in English , ScriptProcessor will process the script and provide consolidated results

 ScriptProcessor script = new ScriptProcessor();
 ScriptResult result =  script.process("complexTest.action");
 String resultsString = script.summarize(result)

Sample script is here

can you reserve the flight for Vishal from Toronto to Bangalore for 3 Days on 7th december
If flight booking is successful, can you reserve the car for Vishal from Bangalore to Toronto for 10 Days on 17th december
if car booking is successful and flight cost are less than $1000 then book the sight seeing attraction called 5 star palace
if car booking is successful and flight cost are more than $1000 then book the sight seeing attraction called peanut palace

Response Validation


ZeroShotHallucinationDetector is designed to assess the consistency of responses generated by a Large Language Model (LLM) and detect potential hallucinations. It operates by breaking down an original question into multiple granular questions, each probing different aspects or variations of the inquiry. These granular questions are then presented to the LLM separately, generating responses that are subsequently compared to the original question within its original context.

During comparison, factors such as semantic coherence, relevance, and contextual alignment are evaluated to quantify the consistency between each response and the original question. This evaluation results in a percentage score for each response, representing its level of conformity with the original query.

Finally, these individual percentage scores are aggregated to calculate a cumulative percentage. If the cumulative percentage surpasses a predefined threshold, it indicates a discrepancy or potential hallucination.

By systematically analyzing responses in this manner, the class provides a robust mechanism for assessing the reliability and coherence of LLM-generated content.

This method employs a Zero Shot approach to detect hallucination, utilizing a straightforward methodology devoid of external sources. It operates as follows:

Input: The method takes in responses generated by the Large Language Model (LLM) without relying on any additional data sources.

Granular Analysis: It breaks down the original question into multiple granular inquiries, covering diverse aspects or variations of the initial query.

Zero Shot Evaluation: Without external references, the method evaluates each response against the original question, assessing factors such as semantic coherence and contextual relevance.

Consistency Assessment: Based on the comparison, the method quantifies the consistency of each response, assigning a score indicative of its conformity with the original query.

Cumulative Evaluation: These individual scores are then aggregated to derive a cumulative assessment, providing insight into the overall coherence of the LLM-generated responses.

By employing a simple yet effective Zero Shot technique, this method offers a streamlined approach to detect potential hallucinations in LLM-generated content, contributing to the reliability and trustworthiness of AI-generated outputs.



Advanced Reference Examples

This will do a google search and return the result can be combined with multiaction

ActionProcessor processor = new ActionProcessor();
String news = (String)processor.processSingleAction("can you search the web for Indian news");

Guard Rails with Spring security Security - Guard Rails using Spring Security TBD
Application Checkout and monitoring using with Gemini - Prompt - Check if my restaurant system is up and running and able to book the reservation TBD
Validation with Prompt - Prompt - What happened the the flight booking i made whats the status?TBD

🧾 Advanced prompt function calling

Can you check if my movie booking system can handle 50 reservations in 1 min
what happens if my cookgpt is giving only vegetarian recipes


Large Action Model in 100% Java. How to Use Gemini/OpenAI/LocalAI with Java , Function Calling, Chaining and validation, it also introduces concepts of Actionable prompts and predictable prompts. Can work with OpenAI, LocalAI or locally hosted LLM as well.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%