RobertLowe / fastify-passport

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fastify-passport is a port of the passport for the Fastify ecosystem. It lets you use Passport strategies to protect Fastify routes!


Alpha. Pre-any-release. There may be incompatabilities with express-based passport deployments, and bugs. Use at your own risk, but please report any issues so we can correct them!


npm install fastify-passport


import fastifyPassport from "fastify-passport";
import fastifySecureSession from "fastify-secure-session";

const server = fastify();
// set up secure sessions for fastify-passport to store data in
server.register(fastifySecureSession, { key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "secret-key")) });
// initialize fastify-passport and connect it to the secure-session storage. Note: both of these plugins are mandatory.

// Add an authentication for a route which will use the strategy named "test" to protect the route
  { preValidation: fastifyPassport.authenticate("test", { authInfo: false }) },
  async () => "hello world!"

// Add an authentication for a route which will use the strategy named "test" to protect the route, and redirect on success to a particular other route.
  { preValidation: fastifyPassport.authenticate("test", { successRedirect: "/", authInfo: false }) },
  () => {}




A hook that must be added. Sets up a fastify-passport instance's hooks.


A hook that must be added. Sets up fastify-passport's connector with fastify-secure-session to store authentication in the session.

authenticate(name, options)

Returns a hook that authenticates requests, in other words, validates users and then signs them in. authenticate is intended for use as a preValidation hook on a particular route like /login.

Applies the nameed strategy (or strategies) to the incoming request, in order to authenticate the request. If authentication is successful, the user will be logged in and populated at request.user and a session will be established by default. If authentication fails, an unauthorized response will be sent.


  • session Save login state in session, defaults to true
  • successRedirect After successful login, redirect to given URL
  • successMessage True to store success message in req.session.messages, or a string to use as override message for success.
  • successFlash True to flash success messages or a string to use as a flash message for success (overrides any from the strategy itself).
  • failureRedirect After failed login, redirect to given URL
  • failureMessage True to store failure message in req.session.messages, or a string to use as override message for failure.
  • failureFlash True to flash failure messages or a string to use as a flash message for failures (overrides any from the strategy itself).
  • assignProperty Assign the object provided by the verify callback to given property

An optional callback can be supplied to allow the application to override the default manner in which authentication attempts are handled. The callback has the following signature, where user will be set to the authenticated user on a successful authentication attempt, or false otherwise. An optional info argument will be passed, containing additional details provided by the strategy's verify callback - this could be information about a successful authentication or a challenge message for a failed authentication.

An optional status argument will be passed when authentication fails - this could be a HTTP response code for a remote authentication failure or similar.

  { preValidation: fastifyPassport.authenticate("test", { authInfo: false }) },
  async (request) => `Hello ${}!`


  • fastifyPassport.authenticate('local', { successRedirect: '/', failureRedirect: '/login' });
  • fastifyPassport.authenticate('basic', { session: false });
  • fastifyPassport.authenticate('twitter');

Note that if a callback is supplied, it becomes the application's responsibility to log-in the user, establish a session, and otherwise perform the desired operations.

authorize(name, options)

Returns a hook that will authorize a third-party account using the given strategy name, with optional options. Intended for use as a preValidation hook on any route. .authorize has the same API as .authenticate, but has one key difference: it doesn't modify the logged in user's details. Instead, if authorization is successful, the result provided by the strategy's verify callback will be assigned to request.account. The existing login session and request.user will be unaffected.

This function is particularly useful when connecting third-party accounts to the local account of a user that is currently authenticated.


fastifyPassport.authorize("twitter-authz", { failureRedirect: "/account" });

use([name], strategy)

Utilize the given strategy with optional name, overridding the strategy's default name.


fastifyPassport.use(new TwitterStrategy(...));

fastifyPassport.use('api', new http.Strategy(...));


Un-utilize the strategy with given name.

In typical applications, the necessary authentication strategies are static, configured once and always available. As such, there is often no need to invoke this function.

However, in certain situations, applications may need dynamically configure and de-configure authentication strategies. The use()/unuse() combination satisfies these scenarios.




Test if request is unauthenticated.

Differences from Passport.js

fastify-passport is an adapted version of Passport that tries to be as compatible as possible, but is an adapted version that has some incompatabilities. Passport strategies that adhere to the passport strategy API should work fine, but there are some differences in other APIs made to integrate better with Fastify and to stick with Fastify's theme of performance.


  • serializeUser renamed to registerUserSerializer and always takes an async function with the signature (user: User, request: FastifyRequest) => Promise<SerializedUser>
  • deserializeUser renamed to registerUserDeserializer and always takes an async function with the signature (serialized: SerializedUser, request: FastifyRequest) => Promise<User>
  • transformAuthInfo renamed to registerAuthInfoTransformer and always takes an async function with the signature (info: any, request: FastifyRequest) => Promise<any>




License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 96.9%Language:JavaScript 3.1%