RnardHa / CS4224s_Wholesale_CockroahDB

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. Introduction

Evaluate the performance of CockroachDB when large number of transactions are executed.

2. Installation Instructions

Install CockroachDB in Linux

Installation for other OS can be found here https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/v20.1/install-cockroachdb-linux

Download the CockroachDB archive for Linux:

SSH into machine where you want the node to run then go to directory of where you want CockroachDB to be installed.

cd /temp/cs4224<xx> xx->group name
wget -qO- https://binaries.cockroachdb.com/cockroach-v20.1.8.linux-amd64.tgz | tar  xvz

Export path, so it is easy to execute cockroach command from any shell:

export PATH=/temp/cs4224<xx>/cockroach-v20.1.6.linux-amd64:$PATH

3. Start 5 Nodes and a cluster

In each server, run the following cockroach command:

Node 1

cockroach start --insecure --store=node1 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25267 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8180 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25267

Node 2

cockroach start --insecure --store=node2 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25268 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:9181 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25268

Node 3

cockroach start --insecure --store=node3 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8182 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25269

Node 4

cockroach start --insecure --store=nod4 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25270 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8183 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25270

Node 5

cockroach start --insecure --store=nod5 --advertise-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25271 --join=<IP ADDRESS>:25267,<IP ADDRESS><IP ADDRESS>:25268,<IP ADDRESS>:25269 --http-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:8184 --listen-addr=<IP ADDRESS>:25271

Start Cluster

Run this in node 1

cockroach init --insecure --host=<IP ADDRESS>:25267

4. Check the if the cluster is working

Run the cockroach sql command against node 1

cockroach sql --insecure --host=<IP ADDRESS>:25267

OR In your browser enter node 1

<IP ADDRESS>:<port>

5. Setup load balancing

Install HAProxy

apt-get install haproxy

Run cockroach gen haproxy

cockroach gen haproxy --insecure \
--host=<address of any node> \

This will generate a file called haproxy.cfg, change the configuration as needed

Export path, so it is easy to execute haproxy command from any shell:

export PATH=/<FILE LOCATION>/haproxy-2.2.0:$PATH

Configure HAProxy

Change bind value to 25273

    bind :25273

Start HAProxy

haproxy -f haproxy.cfg

6. Load data into database

Save file to be loaded in node 1

  1. Create a file 'extern'
  2. Put all the files to be loaded inside 'extern'

Load data

bash LoadData.sh

7. Run application

In the folder containing source codes

python Driver.py -addr <IP ADDRESS> -EN <Experiment Number> -> <5/6/7/8>

Note: Experiment 5 & 7 -> 4 servers active, 6 & 8 -> 5 servers active
Recommended to run 6 & 8 followed by 5 & 7

Run with 4 servers

In order to simulate only 4 servers are running, we kill one of the nodes, E.g. node 5

cockroach quit --insecure --host=<IP ADDRESS>:25271

Get DBState.csv file

python DBState.py -EN <Experiment Number>

Get Throughput.csv file

python Throughput.py



Language:Python 92.7%Language:Shell 7.3%