Ritesh-Yadav / mongodb-docker

There are instances when you want to create MongoDB instance in Docker to use in production or in local/internal. We came across this requirement where we were using MongoDB Atlas for production but wanted to use MongoDB docker in our local/internal/dev environment. Mongo Atlas uses SSL connection so we want to keep our local consistent with production environment. In this post, I am going to explain the process of creating Mongo Docker instance with valid SSL certificate and replicating same behaviour of MongoDB Atlas.

Home Page:https://ritesh-yadav.github.io/tech/docker-instance-of-mongodb-with-ssl-support/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker For MongoDB

This project is to created docker image of MongoDB with a user. Read my post about this project


  1. Install docker in your machine from https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/
  2. Run docker in your machine
  3. Make entry in your /etc/hosts file like localhost ry-dev.herokuapp.com

Steps to Create Docker Container

  1. Go to folder which contains DockerFile
  2. Run docker build -t mongo . (mongo is the tag name which will be used in next step)
  3. Run docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --mount source=mongodb,target=/data/db --mount source=configdb,target=/data/configdb --name mongoDB mongo:latest (mongoDB is the container name which can be used for referring container in any other command)

Other Useful Commands

  • Check status of your container by docker ps -a
  • Check logs of the container by docker logs -f <CONTAINER ID OR NAME>
  • Remove any container docker rm <CONTAINER ID OR NAME>
  • Get shell in container docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID OR NAME> bash
  • Command line connection to MongoDB mongo --ssl --host ry-dev.herokuapp.com --port 27017 --username mongodb --password mymongopass --authenticationDatabase mydatabase


There are instances when you want to create MongoDB instance in Docker to use in production or in local/internal. We came across this requirement where we were using MongoDB Atlas for production but wanted to use MongoDB docker in our local/internal/dev environment. Mongo Atlas uses SSL connection so we want to keep our local consistent with production environment. In this post, I am going to explain the process of creating Mongo Docker instance with valid SSL certificate and replicating same behaviour of MongoDB Atlas.



Language:Shell 100.0%