Rishit-dagli / uoft-csc311-project

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CSC311 Final Project

We give instructions on how to run the code for Part B of the project. The code resides in the part_b directory. Currently, our code is tested with Python 3.10.x, hiwever we believe it should work well with Python 3.9.x and above.

Assuming you have cloned this repository, and you are in the part_b directory of the repository, you can run the following command to setup the environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Evaluation code for Part B

All our evaluation code for the models in part A which we use for evaluation in part B resides in the part_b/evaluate/ directory. Due to size constraints on Markus, we do not include the trained parameters for the random forest model.

Training the model

To train the model, you can use the main.py script. The script can be used as follows:

python main.py [OPTIONS]

The following options are available:

  • --project

    • Type: str
    • Default: "test"
    • Description: Name of the project.
  • --custom_loss

    • Action: store_true
    • Description: Use custom loss function.
  • --model_type

    • Type: str
    • Default: "original"
    • Choices: ["original", "mhsa"]
    • Description: Model architecture type: 'original' or 'mhsa'.
  • --optimizer

    • Type: str
    • Default: "adam"
    • Description: Optimizer to use.
  • --lr_scheduler

    • Type: str
    • Default: "none"
    • Choices: ["none", "steplr", "cosineannealing", "reducelronplateau", "cosinedecay"]
    • Description: Type of LR scheduler: steplr, cosineannealing, reducelronplateau, cosinedecay, none.
  • --step_size

    • Type: int
    • Default: 10
    • Description: Step size for StepLR and T_max for CosineAnnealing.
  • --gamma

    • Type: float
    • Default: 0.1
    • Description: Gamma for StepLR, ReduceLROnPlateau, and factor for CosineAnnealing.
  • --patience

    • Type: int
    • Default: 10
    • Description: Patience for ReduceLROnPlateau.
  • --lr

    • Type: float
    • Default: 1e-3
    • Description: Initial learning rate.
  • --base_path

    • Type: str
    • Default: "../../data"
    • Description: Base path for the dataset.
  • --gpu

    • Action: store_true
    • Description: Use GPU for training.
  • --num_devices

    • Type: int
    • Default: 1
    • Description: Number of devices to use for training.
  • --epochs

    • Type: int
    • Default: 10
    • Description: Number of epochs.
  • --batch_size

    • Type: int
    • Default: 32
    • Description: Batch size.
  • --save_model

    • Type: str
    • Default: "model.pth"
    • Description: Path to save the model.
  • --checkpoint_path

    • Type: str
    • Default: None
    • Description: Path to a checkpoint to resume training from.
  • --seed

    • Type: int
    • Default: 3047
    • Description: Random seed.

Run our model configuration

To run our best performing model configuration for each of the two model architectures we try out (Embeddings and Multi-Head Self-Attention), you can use the following commands:

# Original model
python main.py --project education_model --model_type original  --optimizer adamw --lr_scheduler none --lr 1e-1 --base_path ../data --epochs 8 --batch_size 64 --save_model model.pth --seed 3047

# Multi-Head Self-Attention model
python main.py --project education_model --model_type mhsa --optimizer adamw --lr_scheduler reducelronplateau --patience 15 --lr 1e-1 --base_path ../data --epochs 250 --batch_size 32 --save_model model.pth --seed 3047

You should run each of these commands with --num_devices [NUMBER_OF_DEVICES] if you want to use more than 1 device for the training and --gpu if you want to use GPU for training.

Viewing the training logs

You can view the training logs using TensorBoard. To do this, you can run the following command:

tensorboard --logdir=logs

This will start a TensorBoard server that you can access by visiting http://localhost:6006 in your browser.

Evaluating the model

To evaluate the model on thew entire test set, the script can be used as follows:

python main.py --model_type original --base_path ../../data --batch_size 3543 --epochs 0 --checkpoint_path model.pth

python main.py --model_type mhsa --base_path ../../data --batch_size 3543 --epochs 0 --checkpoint_path model.pth


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%