Rishabh570 / throttle-kafka-nodejs

Uses Kafkajs to implement throttled pub-sub queue in Node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Uses kafka-node to implement throttled pub-sub in Node.js

Getting started


1. Apache Kafka

  • Download Kafka as indicated in step 1 in the official quickstart documentation.

  • Once installed, go to the downloaded Kafka folder. Your Kafka installation version might differ.

cd ~/Downloads/kafka_2.13-3.3.1/
  • Run zookeeper and server by running these commands in separate terminal tabs. The commands must be run in the given order.
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

If any one of them stops or exits the process, try to restart both. You should only proceed when both of above scripts are in running state and not expiring session.

  • Open a new tab in your terminal and create a test topic. We’ll use this topic throughout the article.
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic testTopic2 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

To confirm if the topic has been successfully created, you can run the following command:

bin/kafka-topics.sh --describe --topic testTopic2 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

2. (Optional) AppSignal account. Once the account is set-up, make note of two things:

  • Application name in AppSignal Alt text

Update appName in config.js file.

  • Get your AppSignal pushApiKey and update APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY in the env file.

3. Setup free MongoDB cluster on Atlas

  • Once done, update MONGODB_URL and MONGODB_CLUSTER_NAME in env.
  • We're using a collection named Items to insert Kafka events, make sure the collection exists on your Atlas cluster.

4. Node.js

You should have Node.js and npm installed with Node.js version >= 16.


  1. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  2. Source (or load) the ENV variables containing your MongoDB cluster name & URL and your Appsignal account's Push API key.

NOTE: On macOS, you can do source .env to load environment variables. If it doesn't work, try replacing "source" with "." (for more information, refer this) or load the environment variables directly into the terminal.

  1. To run the server with nodemon, use npm run dev. For production environment, you can use npm run start.
  2. Visit http://localhost:8201/consume to initialize Kafka consumer.
  3. Produce some dummy events, feel free to use this CURL:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8201/produce' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "events": [
            "name": "name11534",
            "rating": "45",
            "price": 50,
            "hash": "hashhhh-STARTINGEVENT"
            "name": "name11594",
            "rating": "45",
            "price": 54,
            "hash": "hashhhh-bes223"
            "name": "name19824",
            "rating": "75",
            "price": 90,
            "hash": "hashhhh-pos223"
            "name": "name11534",
            "rating": "45",
            "price": 50,
            "hash": "hashhhh-asd223"
            "name": "name11534",
            "rating": "45",
            "price": 50,
            "hash": "hashhhh-2csc"
            "name": "name11594",
            "rating": "45",
            "price": 54,
            "hash": "hashhhh-12fsa"
            "name": "name19824",
            "rating": "75",
            "price": 90,
            "hash": "hashhhh-97kok"
            "name": "name11534",
            "rating": "45",
            "price": 50,
            "hash": "hashhhh-kjd782"
            "name": "name19824",
            "rating": "75",
            "price": 90,
            "hash": "hashhhh-27knks"
            "name": "name11534",
            "rating": "45",
            "price": 50,
            "hash": "hashhhh-9828jhd"

That's it, you should be able to see consumption on your terminal. You can tweak batch size and queue concurrency to study the behavior.


[appsignal][ERROR] The AppSignal extension was installed for architecture 'x64-darwin', but the current architecture is 'arm64-darwin'. Please reinstall the AppSignal package on the host the app is started.

You might face this on m1 macOS where architecture is different. For me, uninstalling and installing the package works. Alternatively, you can also try installing the package using the following command:

npm i --arch=arm64 --platform=darwin @appsignal/nodejs


Uses Kafkajs to implement throttled pub-sub queue in Node.js

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%