Rishabh-1999 / Hospital-Management

Home Page:https://hospital-management-ri.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hospital Managment

Management website through which Patients with diseases and room no can be added. Having a dynamic ability to add diseases and rooms.

To Run

npm start or node app.js

To Install Dependencies

npm install

It will run under the url

Data of Users

    • Username - admin
    • Password - admin
    • Username - user
    • Password - user


  • Node JS (Tested on v12.14.0)
  • MongooseDB
  • MongooseDB Compass ( Optional)
  • Pre-requisites or Dependencies ( Defined Below )


  • Admin
    • Add User
    • Allocate Room for patients
    • Add Diseases
    • Add Rooms


User Schema

Name Type Required Unique Encrpyted
username String Yes Yes No
password String Yes No Yes

Room Schema

Name Type Required Unique
name String Yes Yes
password Boolean Yes No

Patient Schema

Name Type Required Unique
firstName String Yes Yes
lastName String Yes No
dateOfBirth String Yes No
sex Boolean Yes No
hospitalNumber String Yes Yes
diseases Array No No
score Number Yes No
room String Yes No
lastUpdate Number Yes No

Disease Schema

Name Type Required Unique
name String Yes Yes
score Number Yes No


  • Express
npm install express
  • express-handlebars
npm install express-handlebars
  • Path
npm install path
  • Serve Favicon
npm install serve-favicon
  • Connect Mongo
npm install connect-mongo
  • Express-Session
npm install express-session
  • Express-validator
npm install express-validator
  • Connect Flash
npm install connect-flash
  • Cookie Parser
npm install cookie-parser
  • Multer
npm install multer
  • Morgan
npm install morgan
  • Mongoose
npm install mongoose
  • Body Parser
npm install body-parser
  • Dotenv
npm install dotenv
  • Bcrptyjs
npm install bcrptyjs
  • Is Valid Date
npm install is-valid-date
  • http
npm install http
  • Passport
npm install passport
  • Passport Local
npm install passport-local


|___ Root
|   |--- app.js
|   |
|   |--- Procfile ( Heroku File )
|   |
|   |--- .env ( Enviroment File )
|   |
|   |--- config
|   |    |--- db.js
|   |    |--- passport.js
|   |
|   |--- Dump (Mongoose Dump) (Dump)
|   |
|   |--- Models
|   |    |--- diseases.js
|   |    |--- patient.js
|   |    |--- rooms.js
|   |    |--- user.js
|   |
|   |--- Public
|   |    |--- favicon.ico
|   |    |--- css (Static)
|   |    |--- imgages (Static)
|   |    |--- fonts (Static)
|   |    |--- js (Static)
|   |    |--- script
|   |    |    |--- addpatient.js
|   |    |    |--- dashboard.js
|   |    |    |--- patientPage.js
|   |    |    |--- systemSettings.js
|   |
|   |--- Routes
|   |    |--- dashboard.js
|   |    |--- diseases.js
|   |    |--- login.js
|   |    |--- patients.js
|   |    |--- rooms.js
|   |    |--- settings.js
|   |    |--- users.js
|   |
|   |--- viwes
|   |    |--- layout
|   |    |   |--- layout.handlebars
|   |    |
|   |    |--- addpatient.handlebars
|   |    |--- dashboard.handlebars
|   |    |--- login.handlebars
|   |    |--- patientPage.handlebars
|   |    |--- systemSettings.handlebars