RiseVision / rise-snapshot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A bash script to automate backing up the RISE blockchain
Version: v0.1
For more information about RISE, please visit - https://rise.vision


- You need to have (not run as) sudo privileges


Execute the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/risevision/rise-snapshot
cd rise-snapshot/
bash rise-snapshot.sh help

Available commands

- create
- restore
- log
- schedule
	- hourly
	- daily
	- weekly
	- monthly


Command create is for create new snapshot, example of usage:
bash rise-snapshot.sh create
Automaticly will create a snapshot file in new folder called snapshot/.
Don't require to stop you node app.js instance.
Example of output:

   + Creating snapshot                                
  OK snapshot created successfully at block  49037 ( 43 MB).

Also will create a line in the log, there you can see your snapshot at what block height was created.


Command restore is for restore the last snapshot found it in snapshot/ folder.
Example of usage:
bash rise-snapshot.sh restore

Automaticly will pick the latest snapshot file in snapshot/ folder to restore the RISE database.
If you want to restore a specific file please (for this version) delete or move the other files in snapshot/ folder.
You can use the log command to better pick up your restore file.


Display all the snapshots created.
Example of usage:
bash rise-snapshot.sh log

Example of output:

   + Snapshot Log                                                                  
  20-10-2016 - 20:59:06 -- Snapshot created successfully at block  48967 ( 43 MB)  
  20-10-2016 - 21:36:07 -- Snapshot created successfully at block  49037 ( 43 MB)  


Schedule snapshot creation periodically, with the available parameters:

- hourly
- daily
- weekly
- monthly

Example: bash rise-snapshot.sh schedule daily


You will have a folder in ~/rise-snapshot/ called snapshot/ where all your snapshots will be created and stored. If you want to use a snapshot from different place (official snapshot for example or other node) you will need to download the snapshot file (with prefix: rise_db*) and copy it to the ~/rise-snapshot/snapshot/ folder. After you copy the rise_db*.tar file you can restore the blockchain with: bash rise-snapshot.sh restore and will use the last file found in the snapshot/ folder.
If you use the schedule command be aware you will have a log file located in ~/rise-snapshot/cron.log with this you will know what is happened with your schedule.


If you are in a version prior to v0.1 you can upgrade with the following commands:

cd ~/rise-snapshot/
git checkout .
git pull




Language:Shell 100.0%