RintarouTW / fsg

Fast SVG Geometry Builder

Home Page:https://rintaroutw.github.io/fsg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fast SVG Geometry Builder (FSG)

Create animatable, customizable style, re-editable and light weight interactive geometry for the web.


  • Extremely fast and light weight geometry construction.
  • Hot keys based geometry construction
  • Save as Draggable, Selectable, Animatable, Re-editable and Reusable light weight SVG.
  • Users can interact with the geometry, not only a static image.
  • .svg could be animated with your user script.
  • Edit and execute your animate script within the builder. (defulat in vim mode, turn on/off vim mode with F2)
  • Runtime supports multiple .svg instances in a single page (fast and light weight).
  • LaTeX support.
  • Color styles druing the construction or customize with CSS.
  • PWA support, you can easily turn the web builder to your local application.
  • Export to .html (Inline SVG)




Examples Live Demo


There're over 60 examples are in test folder.

Different ways to show SVG

Standalone SVG

Using browser to open .svg directly, the svg would load the runtime automatically.

Load multiple .svg files in a page at the same time.

Using <fsg src='foo.svg'> custom tag, the runtime would load all of them for you.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="eng">
  <title>Fast SVG Geometry</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.12.0/dist/katex.min.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://rintaroutw.github.io/fsg/style/runtime.css">
  <script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@svgdotjs/svg.js@3.0/dist/svg.min.js"></script>
  <script defer type="module" src="https://rintaroutw.github.io/fsg/runtime.min.js"></script>
  <fsg title="example 1" src="test/dot-product-geo0.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 2" src="test/dot-product-geo1.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 3" src="test/determinant-2.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 4" src="test/dot-product-coordinate-2.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 5" src="test/Projection.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 6" src="test/law-of-sines.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 7" src="test/law-of-cosines.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 8" src="test/9pointsCircle.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 9" src="test/HeronFormula.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 10" src="test/Trapezoid.svg"></fsg>
  <fsg title="example 11" src="test/dot-product.svg"></fsg>

title is optional, if it's specified, the runtime would show it at the bottom.

Loaded as a static image

<img src='foo.svg'>

Loaded as a static image, it won't be interactive since the runtime won't be loaded by the browser. The demo screenshots listed above are exactly this way, it's convinient when u need thumbnails/screenshots without image capture/conversion. Just let the browser generate them for you at the runtime.

Load with <iframe>

<iframe src='foo.svg' title='hello world'></iframe>

For the case you want to use <iframe> in your .html or other documentation website. It's also supported and it would work just like custome <fsg> tag.

title is optional, if it's specified, the runtime would show it at the bottom.

Embedding in .html

Export to HTML would generate the .html, and the svg was embedded in it.

Code Structure

  • common/ : shared definition and helpers.
  • components/ : FSG components that managed the svgjs elements within the canvas.
  • modules/ : support multiple canvases in a single page. mostly for editor modules.
  • build.sh : use rollup and terser to bundle and minify the editor and runtime code to release.
  • main.js : the editor's main function.
  • runtime.js : the runtime's main function.
  • manifest.webmanifest : support for PWA.
  • index.html : KaTeX, SVGJS, iro are loaded from CDN.
  • dev.html : For local development.
  • manifest.webmanifest.dev : for local development.
  • local-serve.sh : for local development with the live-server
  • convert.html : convert old verion files to the updated file format
  • convert.js : convert's main function


  • SVGJS for SVG elements
  • svg.pan.zoom plugin for pan and zoom (it's minor modified for the builder)
  • KaTeX for LaTeX rendering
  • CodeMirror for code editing
  • iro for color picker
  • (npm) rollup for js code bundler
  • (npm) rollup/plugin-strip for rollup to strip the debug codes.
  • (npm) terser for minify code

Local Development Dependency

  • npm install -g live-server to install live-server for local web dev server
    • https.conf.js (require local CA with mkcert) : web server to support HTTPS
  • https://localhost:8080/dev.html to load manifest.webmanifest.dev(PWA) and main.js (as module)
  • npm install -g rollup to install rollup
  • npm install -g @rollup/plugin-strip to install the strip plugin for rollup
  • npm install -g terser to install the terser that mangle and compress the rolluped code to main.min.js and runtime.min.js.
  • modify DEV_TESTING to true in common/define.js to make the generated .svg and .html to load local runtime.min.js. BEWARE! it won't load runtime.js directly since SVG doesn't support modules yet. We need to run build.sh to update the runtime.min.js everytime you updated runtime.js.


I enjoyed Geogebra for a long time, but it's too heavy and slow for the web. The runtime of Geogebra is not designed for the web, that makes your work hard to be reused in the web pages. At the same time, it's kind of too complex for people who are not major in Math. No way to customize the styles and hard to animate the geometry.

So I decided to build this builder that I can create the geometry I want in minutes.


Fast SVG Geometry Builder



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