Rimpi246 / ChatRoom

A real-time chat application made using socket.io and Node.js. User can join a room and send and receive messages in real-time.The page automatically scrolls down upon receiving a new message.User is warned when using profane words.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Live app: https://chat-room-9uev.onrender.com

A real-time chat application made using socket.io and Node.js. User can join a room and send and receive messages in real-time.The page automatically scrolls down upon receiving a new message.User is warned when using profane words.


A real-time chat application made using socket.io and Node.js. User can join a room and send and receive messages in real-time.The page automatically scrolls down upon receiving a new message.User is warned when using profane words.


Language:JavaScript 45.5%Language:CSS 32.5%Language:HTML 21.9%Language:Procfile 0.2%