Rikoru / vagrant-frame

A template for Vagrant projects in Virtualbox provisioned by Chef

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vagrant Frame

A lightweight template for getting started with Vagrant and Chef.


  • Facilitates setting up new projects.
  • Repository can be cloned and easily set up as a new project.

How to Use It

There are two ways to benefit from vagrant-frame.

Method 1: Forking

  1. Follow Github's forking instructions.
  • Optionally: Make a pull request back into vagrant-frame if you have any improvements to recommend.

Method 2: Cloning

  1. git clone the repository link into the directory of your choice.
  • Optionally: Rename the vagrant-frame folder.
  1. cd vagrant-frame (or whatever you named it) to navigate into the cloned folder.
  2. rm ./.git to remove the git information.
  3. git init to set up a new project in the directory.


A template for Vagrant projects in Virtualbox provisioned by Chef


Language:Ruby 100.0%