Riferdinand / MEDITAZONE-CC

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Welcome to the API documentation for the Meditazone-App. This API provides endpoints for user authentication, meditation data retrieval, quotes, and articles related to meditation and mindfulness.

API Documentation : https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/30136709/2s9Ykq5eyN


If you want to run this API Server on your local machine, you need to do this steps:

  • First, clone this repository using this command: git clone https://github.com/meditazone/MEDITAZONE-CC.git.
  • Second, open your terminal and go to your project's root directory.
  • Third, type npm install or yarn install on your terminal and hit Enter.
  • Fourth, type npm i yarn on your terminal and hit Enter.
  • Fifth, type yarn dev on your terminal and hit Enter.
  • Finally, the server will run on your http://localhost:8080

API Endpoint

If you want to access our API endpoints, you must have already cloned this repository and completed the previous steps. If you have, you can see several API endpoints below and implement them. Here are the API endpoints along with their descriptions:

Method Endpoint Description
POST /auth/signup Register a new user
POST /auth/signin Authenticate and sign in a user
GET /user/profile/allUsers Retrieve All Users Data
GET /user/profile/{id} Retrieve User Data by Id
PUT /user/updateName/{id} Update Name Data by Id
PUT /user/editPhotoProfile/{id} Update Photo Profile Data by Id
GET /auth/user Retrieve user information
GET /auth/logout Log out the currently authenticated user
GET /v1/quotes Retrieve All Quotes Data
GET /v1/quotes/{id} Retrieve Quotes Data by Id
GET /v1/quotes/author/{Author} Retrieve Qoutes Data by Author
GET /v2/article Retrieve All Article Data
GET /v2/article/{id} Retrieve Article Data by Id
GET /v2/article/category/{category} Retrieve Article Data by Category
GET /v3/meditation Retrieve All Meditation Data
Get /v3/meditation/{id} Retrieve Meditation Data by Id
GET /v3/meditation/category/{category} Retrieve Meditatioon Data by Category
POST /favorite/ Entry Favorite Data
PUT /favorite/{userId}/{favoriteId} Update Favorite Data
DELETE /favorite/{userId}/{favoriteId} Delete Favorite Data
GET /favorite/{userId} Retrieve Favorite Data by Id
GET /favorite/ Retrieve Favorite Data

Example For Using API in Localhost

1.  Request using POST method

2.  Response from endpoint /v1/quotes/1
        "message": "Success GET Quote By ID.",
        "data": {
            "quote_ID": 1,
            "quote": "Yakinlah dengan potensimu yang tak terbatas. Satu-satunya batasanmu adalah yang kau tetapkan pada dirimu sendiri",
            "author": "Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart",
            "imageUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/meditazone-app/bg_quote_img/background_quote.png"



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