Riddle4045 / BitCoinMiner

Distributed Operating Systems course project on bitcoin miner

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A distributed BitCoinMiner using Scalaand Akka framework

###How to run the program The program has a standalone and a distributed implementation. Both of them can be run using the packaged JAR file or using SBT.


Using JAR file :

Java -jar Project1.jar <NumberOfTrailingZeroes : Int>

for example :

Java -jar Project1.jar 4

using SBT:

run <Integer : numberOfTrailingZeros>

The one arugment taken is an Integer which indicated the number of trailing zeros to look for.

###Distributed: To run a distributed implementation, you can start the Master actor and then slave actors for doing the work in different machine. The slave takes in 2 parameters, One the number of trailing zero's and other IP address of the Server (Master).

Example for runnig distributed implementation:

**Using JAR file **:

Java -jar Project1.jar 4  //On the Main Machine to start server
Java -jar Project1.jar 4 x.x.x.x  //On slave machines to start slaves

Using SBT file:

run 4 //to run the Master
run 4 x.x.x.x //to run the slave on different machine


We were able to generate bitCoins with a much as 7 trailing 0's. In ways that can be considered a perofmance measure but it's too vague t o put a precise number on. For example the amount of time we waited to see if we have a bitCoin vaired from time to time. Although weak, this should give you an indication of the capabilites of Akka and Scala.


Distributed Operating Systems course project on bitcoin miner


Language:XSLT 74.4%Language:CSS 15.5%Language:Scala 10.1%