Riddim-GLiTCH / AnyEventRPC

A Discord Rich Presence that displays the countdown to any user-specified event of the year

Repository from Github https://github.comRiddim-GLiTCH/AnyEventRPCRepository from Github https://github.comRiddim-GLiTCH/AnyEventRPC

TOTK Countdown RPC

This is a Discord Rich Presence client that displays the time left until the release of Tears of the Kingdom. Preview-1 preview-1


Before you can run this program, you need to have the following installed:


  1. Clone this repository or download the ZIP file and extract its contents.
  2. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:
npm install discord-rich-presence
  1. Set up the Discord application by following these steps:
  • Go to the Discord Developer Portal.
  • Click on "New Application" and give it a name.
  • Click on "Create" to create the application.
  • Make sure the application is named "the waiting game".
  • Under "Rich Presence", click on "Art Assets" and upload the totk.png and clock.png files from the assets folder.
  • Note down the "Client ID" at the top of the page.
  1. Replace the clientId variable in config.json, which is stored in the assets folder with the client ID you just noted down.
  2. Set the format of the remaining time as you wish. Look down below for more information on available formats.
  3. Run the program by executing the following command:
node rpc.js

That's it! The TOTK Countdown RPC should now be running and displaying your Rich Presence status in Discord.

Available Formats

TOTK-Countdown-RPC supports a few formats to display the remaining time as. See the list below for info:

  • default -> Displays the remainder as 20d 22h 13m 49s
  • segmented -> Displays the remainder as 20:22:13:49
  • segmented2 -> Displays the remainder as 20d:22h:13m:49s
  • segmented3 -> Displays the remainder as 20-22-13-49
  • dayFocused -> Displays the remainder as Only 20 days left!


Huge shoutout to EnK_ for refactoring the code! The amount of bloat this code had was real before they went over it entirely.

Additionally, thanks to the following resources:

  • OpenAI For offering help writing and understanding the original code through the use of ChatGPT
  • Discord Developer Portal for information on setting up Discord Rich Presence
  • npm for the discord-rpc module, used in a previous version of this project
  • npm for the discord-rich-presence module used in this project
  • GitHub for hosting this project
  • Nintendo for a legenedary up-and-coming Zelda title.


A Discord Rich Presence that displays the countdown to any user-specified event of the year


Language:JavaScript 100.0%