RichardAlexanderGreen / eGov

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This application is intended to provide online implimentation of the processes for a Draft Democracy.

Application Documentation

The use cases, scenarios, business rules, and definitions are in the wiki.

Overview - This is an eGov supporting a Draft Democracy.

This electronic government framework provides the technology infrastructure for a [Draft Democracy]. The essential principle is that the representatives are not elected, they are drafted. Another principle is that the purpose of a governmental unit is to provide services. The purpose of the drafted representatives is to decide what services a governmental unit will provide and how. The decision process starts with a goal - a suggestion for a new service. If representatives decide the goal is worth the time of future representatives, they will publish an RFP (request for proposal). The RFP explains the goal and its related subgoals and constraints. Potential provides respond to the RFP with proposals. In general, potential providers may include both private and governmental organizations unless the nature of the goal excludes one of those types.

Structure - The structure must be Federal, not Unitary.

To assure that Draftee Representatives have sufficient background for making decisions at the level of government where they are serving, they must first have served at a lower level and have positive peer reviews at that level. Hence multiple [[levels of jurisdiction and responsibility]] are both assumed and necessary.
