RevoU-FSSE-2 / Assignment-andalanaldi

Assignment-andalanaldi created by GitHub Classroom

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Week 21 Assignment - Twitter Clone Backend App using Flask

Please Visit API Documentation for Intermediate and Advance Assigment at and

Build a simplified Twitter like version using flask. This project includes implementation of registration and login functionality, posting tweets, following or unfollowing users and obtaining user profiles. Flask is utilized for routing, apis, blueprints, HTTP methods. Integrate Postgresql in Supabase using SQLAlchemy. Token based authentication is implemented too.

Here are libraries in flask that being used for this twitter clone flask app :

  1. flask
  2. flask-sqlalchemy
  3. pyscopg2-binary
  4. flask-bcrypt
  5. pyjwt
  6. marshmallow

Before set up some packages and develop the flask app especially in Visual Studio Code, Please do some preliminary steps below:

  1. Please add Python 311 Script first to the PATH (for Windows user only).
  2. For example add this : "C:\Users\Aldi Andalan\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\Scripts" into PATH
  3. In windows explorer, click -> this pc -> advance system settings -> advance -> environment variable -> edit path
  4. Then put for instance "C:\Users\Aldi Andalan\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\Scripts" into the PATH and click ok.
  5. After that, execute these commands in terminal, windows, command prompt or PowerShell in Visual Studio Code:

Here are some set ups before developing the flask app

Upgrade Python

python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip --user

Install pipenv

pip install pipenv --user

Install flask

pip install flask --user 

Python Versioning

pipenv --python 3.11  # or replace with your Python version

Activate viertual environment (venv)

pipenv shell

Install Packages

pipenv install flask flask-sqlalchemy pyscopg2-binary flask-bcrypt pyjwt marshmallow

After all packages are installed, you can clone my codes and try running the apps. But before that make sure python interpreter selector is correct. You can check that in Visual Studio Code by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P all together simultaneously, then choose Python: Interpreter Selector and the choose the one with venv or virtual environment. It helps Visual Studio recognized your installed packages on pipfile that is obtained by setting up python and flask library above.

If all thet's steps are done, voila, you can run the flask application, run the flask application by using these commands in terminal:

Run Flask App

pipenv shell
pipenv run flask run --debug


flask run --debug

After all of that, you can check or testing the APIs endpoints in postman app. Please visit API Documentation for intermediate and advance assignment at and to get clearer examples for body request in APIs enpoint which is used in this app.

In advance assignment there is a need to do unit testing using pytest. Hence, here is steps by steps on how to do it.

Install Pytest Packages

First, activate virtual environment

pipenv shell

Then, install pytest package

pipenv install pytest pytest-flask --dev

Run Pytest


Runs the tests in a verbose mode, showing more details about the test execution.

pytest -v

Displays local variables in tracebacks when an error occurs during testing.

pytest --showlocals

forces pytest to display long tracebacks on failures.

pytest --tb=long  # Shows the long traceback

allows printing output to the console (useful for debugging).

pytest -s

If, pytest packages is not recognized by Visual Studio Code. Please try to delete pipfile.lock in locals and the try to re install packages by using pipenv install. If it does not work, the try to select correct python interpreter (ctrl+shift+P). It could be to virtuan environment in python interpreter is incorrect because of invalid folder location.

To access intermediate assignment code files in this repository, please visit and please visit for advance assignment code files. Thanks

for further question please contact author at

Body Response Demonstration in Postman App


Register with Missing Role

Register with Exist Account

Moderator Registration

User Database


Tweet Authorization

Tweet Body Response

Tweet Database

Follow Authorization


Follow User Not Found

Cannot Follow Themself

User Profile


Moderator Login

Flag Tweet Authorization

Flag Tweet with id Attribute

Flag Tweet with No tweet_id Attribute

Suspend User

User Login Suspended

Fail to Identify MODERATOR

Add is_suspended into Database

ChatGPT 3.5 help :


Assignment-andalanaldi created by GitHub Classroom


Language:Python 100.0%