RethinkRobotics / baxter_common

ROS Messages and robot description files for the Baxter Research Robot


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baxter.urdf.xacro missing?

alecive opened this issue · comments


I was looking to retrieve an URDF model for the Baxter robot, and I found this baxter.urdf file.

Problem is that the file itself says it is deprecated, and it has been replaced by baxter.urdf.xacro (see line 6 of the file), but said file is missing.

Is this the file you're referring to? /baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf.xacro

Mm interesting. This made me realize that the code on our Baxter is still at version 1.1.1 (the xacro is available since version 1.2.0, but the deprecation occurred before apparently).

Thanks for the tip!