RenatoGeh / msc

Masters dissertation

Repository from Github https://github.comRenatoGeh/mscRepository from Github https://github.comRenatoGeh/msc

Scalable Learning of Probabilistic Circuits

This repository contains the LaTeX and PDF files for my Master's in Computer Science (at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo) dissertation and presentation slides.

dissertation/ contains all files for the dissertation text. You may find the compiled PDF tese.pdf there. The dissertation follows a modified version of the IME-USP's Thesis and Dissertations Template.

slides/ contains all files for the presentation slides. You may find the compiled PDF slides.pdf there. The slides were made with the ffslides LaTeX documentclass.

To cite this dissertation, please use

  author = "Renato Lui Geh",
  title  = "Scalable Learning of Probabilistic Circuits",
  school = "University of S{\~{a}}o Paulo",
  type   = "Master's in Computer Science dissertation",
  year   = "2022",
  month  = "April",


Masters dissertation


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