Remi-C / inverse_procedural_street_modelling

Inverse procedural Street Modelling: from interactive to automatic reconstruction. Thesis Cura 2016

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Version 2.0

This version has been corredted and edit according to the remarks of my two rapporteur : Pfr. Van Oosterom and Pfr.Heipke, many thanks for their detailed suggestions.

  • whole thesis fixed according to suggestions from rapporteur
  • new state of the art in chap. 5 to include papers from the raod detection community
  • Appendix 1 (LOD for Point CLoud Server) has been splît into two chapters to separate LOD and dimension descriptor.
  • added illustration of streetgen table structure.
  • Published on HAL, etc.

Version 1.12

  • english version has now same title page layout as french version
  • added ANRT logo and grant number
  • added introduction figures to graphical table of figures
  • minor typos
  • fixed missing ref
  • changed some illustrations so the manuscript is paper-printer friendly (coulour, light, size)
  • now pages%4=0
  • French version "résumé long" proofreaded and corrected thanks to Coline C.
  • Fixed Jury members

Version 1.11

  • New alternate version with french summary, and title page compliant with relevant university guidelines
  • minor layout changes (chapter 2 starts left)
  • minor typo changes

Version 1.10

  • Changed Chapter 1 (state of the art) for more clarity and addede a transverse classification of reconstruction methods.
  • Added a graphical table of figures at the end of the manuscript.
  • Some other minor layout changes.

Version 1.00

First version of the thesis manuscript


Inverse procedural Street Modelling: from interactive to automatic reconstruction. Thesis Cura 2016