Relkci / Zabbix_SecurityScorecard

Zabbix Template for Security Scorecard to Monitor your organization, comeptitors, and vendors overall scores

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Zabbix Template for Security Scorecard to Monitor your organization, comeptitors, and vendors overall scores


  • On SecurityScorecard, add three portfolios and add organizations respectively:
    • One to contain your organizations
    • One to contain your competitors
    • One to contain your vendors
  • In Zabbix Import template
  • Create host, add agent interface
  • Assign template
  • Set inherited macros (API Key, URI) - Get these from
  • Initial data will take aproximately 2 hours to obtain with discovery rules.
  • After Discovery completes, search the items for "Security Scorecard Porfolio YOUR_PORTFOLIO_NAME - ID.
  • Copy the IDs for the portfolios containing your organizations, your competitors, and your vendors.
  • Update the inherited macro's that specify the "primary" (your organizations), competitors, and vendors IDs.
    • These will be used to obtain detailed stats for all the organizations within those portfolios. Data is aggregated and compared to produce % of score across portfoliios.
  • Update Trigger Threshold Macros
  • Update Primary Industry Refernce (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT)


  • Retrieves Profile IDS
  • Retrieves Scorecard summaries for all organizations within primary, compeititor, and vendor portfolios
  • Triggers on score thresholds and score drops
  • Obtails vendor lists for each organization within the primary, competitor, and vendor portfolios.
  • Graphs and Dashboards

LLD Discovery

  • Portfolios
  • Organizations within portfolios (scores, industry, vendor associations etc)


  • Primary Average Score Portfolio Dropped Below threshold
  • Primary Organization Score Dropped Below threshold
  • Primary Average Score Drop
  • Primary Organization Score Drop
  • Primary Average Score as Percent of Competitor Average Score Dropped Below threshold
  • Primary Average Score as Percent of Competitor Average Score Dropped


  • Primary Portfolio Dashoard
  • Vendor Portfolio Dashboard
  • Competitor Portfolio Dashboard


Zabbix Template for Security Scorecard to Monitor your organization, comeptitors, and vendors overall scores

License:Apache License 2.0