Rekihyt / zig-snippets

Vscode snippets extension for the Zig programming language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zig Snippets

This extension provides a comprehensive and always updated set of snippets for the Zig programming language.

Snippets are separated into the following categories:

  • Main language
  • Async programming
  • Templates

Notes on v.2.0.0 +

Some snippets are been completly refactored to improve coding speed, others are been removed since ZLS provides an ergonomic and always updated version of them. I hope you'll like it and Enjoy coding faster! with this.

Main language:

prefix description
var variable declaration and definition
const Constant decl
arr_init array/sentinel init
list anonymous list
fn fn decl
fn_gen generic fn decl
pub_fn pub fn decl
ext_fn extern fn
exp_fn export fn
inl_fn inline fn
naked_fn nakedcc fn
block block expr
stru_val struct val
stru_decl struct decl
enum enum decl
union tagged/untagged union decl
for_v for value loop
for_v_i for value,index loop
inl_for inline for loop
label_for labeled for loop
for_else for else loop expr
while while loop
inl_while inline while loop
label_while labeled while loop
while_else while else loop expr
while? while optional loop
if if expr
if_else if else expr
if? if optional
if_else? if else optional
orelse orelse expr
switch switch expr
defer defer block
errdefer errdefer block
error error decl
catch catch error block
comptime comptime block
asm asm block
test test block
suspend suspend block


prefix description
arena/alloc/heap std.heap.ArenaAllocator
main_template Main function
adt_template Algebraic Data Type


Vscode snippets extension for the Zig programming language

License:MIT License