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How to create an Active-active (CRDB) between two Openshift clusters using the Redis Enterprise REST API.

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How to Create an Active-active Database (CRDB) in Redis Enterprise for Openshift


  • Two working Redis Enteprise Clusters (REC) in different Openshift environments
    • Important Note: the two RECs should have different names/fqdn. If this is not met, the CRDB creation will result in bad state.
  • REC admin role credentials to both RECs
  • Appropriate resources available in each REC to create DBs of the requested size.
  • Openshift Permissions: a role that allows the creation of Openshift routes
  • Command line tools kubectl or oc and jq


High Level Workflow

The following is the high level workflow which you will follow:

  1. Document the required parameters.
  2. Apply the activeActive spec to both clusters.
  3. Formulate the CRDB creation JSON payload using the parameters from both RECs in a single JSON document.
  4. POST the JSON payload to one of the REC's API endpoints. (Yes, just one; it will coordinate with the other(s).)
  5. Run a workload.

Required Parameters

The following parameters will be required to form the JSON payload to create the CRDB.

Parameter Parameter Name in REST API Description How to get it?
Cluster FQDN name This is the name of the REC from the REC perspective curl -u <user>:<password> https://<rec_api>/v1/cluster | jq .name
API URL url This is the route the API endpoint as specified in apiIngressURL. Should be prefixed with https:// oc get rec -o json | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive.apiIngressUrl'
Cluster Admin Username/password credentials Cluster Admin role username/password get secret <cluster_name> --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -D
Replication Endpoint replication_endpoint This will be <your_db_name><dbIngressSuffix>:443 where dbIngressSuffix is specified in your activeActive spec oc get rec -o json | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive.dbIngressSuffix'
Replication TLS SNI replication_tls_sni This is the same as your replication_endpoint, but no port number required. As above.

Here is an example when creating a CRDB with database name test-db:

Parameter Name in REST API Example value
name rec-a.raas-site-a.svc.cluster.local
credentials username:, password: something

Note: My openshift cluster creates routes at the subdomain * by default where my openshift cluster name is

Let's go!

Ensure you've documented the required parameters as in the above section. You'll need these!

Important Note: In the samples below I am creating two Redis Enterprise Clusters (RECs) in the same Openshift cluster but two distinct namespaces. The same steps will apply for RECs in different Openshift clusters.

1. Document the Required Parameters

As in the above section: Required Parameters.

2. Apply the activeActive Spec

Apply the activeActive spec to both Redis Enterprise clusters appropriately. Details about the REC API are here.

REC at site A:

  activeActive: # edit values according to your cluster
    method: openShiftRoute

REC at site B:

  activeActive: # edit values according to your cluster
    method: openShiftRoute

You can validate that these were applied by describing the rec as follows:

$ oc get rec -n raas-site-a -o json | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive'
  "apiIngressUrl": "",
  "dbIngressSuffix": "",
  "method": "openShiftRoute"
$ oc get rec -n raas-site-b -o json | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive'
  "apiIngressUrl": "",
  "dbIngressSuffix": "",
  "method": "openShiftRoute"

This will result in the API route api-<clustername> being added in both sites as below:

Redis Enterprise Cluster in Site A

$ oc get all
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/rec-a-0                                      2/2     Running   0          13m
pod/rec-a-services-rigger-7864cf7987-bsl4m       1/1     Running   0          13m
pod/redis-enterprise-operator-5d4dcf5dfc-7gklr   1/1     Running   0          152m

NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/rec-a      ClusterIP   None             <none>        9443/TCP,8001/TCP,8070/TCP   13m
service/rec-a-ui   ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP                     13m

NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/rec-a-services-rigger       1/1     1            1           13m
deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator   1/1     1            1           152m

NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/rec-a-services-rigger-7864cf7987       1         1         1       13m
replicaset.apps/redis-enterprise-operator-5d4dcf5dfc   1         1         1       152m

NAME                     READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/rec-a   1/1     13m

NAME                                 HOST/PORT                                          PATH   SERVICES   PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD               rec-a      api    passthrough   None          rec-a-ui   ui     passthrough   None

Redis Enterprise Cluster in Site B:

$ oc get all
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/rec-b-0                                      2/2     Running   0          150m
pod/rec-b-services-rigger-5d5d8ffb44-vp5xr       1/1     Running   0          150m
pod/redis-enterprise-operator-5d4dcf5dfc-w2v4g   1/1     Running   0          150m

NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/rec-b      ClusterIP   None             <none>        9443/TCP,8001/TCP,8070/TCP   150m
service/rec-b-ui   ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP                     150m

NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/rec-b-services-rigger       1/1     1            1           150m
deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator   1/1     1            1           150m

NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/rec-b-services-rigger-5d5d8ffb44       1         1         1       150m
replicaset.apps/redis-enterprise-operator-5d4dcf5dfc   1         1         1       150m

NAME                     READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/rec-b   1/1     150m

NAME                                 HOST/PORT                                          PATH   SERVICES   PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD               rec-b      api    passthrough   None          rec-b-ui   ui     passthrough   None

3. Create the JSON Payload

Create the JSON payload for CRDB creation request as in this example using the required parameters. Save the file as crdb.json in your current working directory.

  "default_db_config": {
    "name": "<db_name>",
    "replication": false,
    "memory_size": 10240000,
    "aof_policy": "appendfsync-every-sec",
    "shards_count": 1
  "instances": [
      "cluster": {
        "url": "<site_a_api_endpoint>",
        "credentials": {
          "username": "<site_a_username>",
          "password": "<site_a_password>"
        "name": "<site_a_rec_name/fqdn>",
        "replication_endpoint": "<site_a_replication_endpoint>443",
        "replication_tls_sni": "<site_a_replication_endpoint>"
      "cluster": {
        "url": "<site_b_api_endpoint>",
        "credentials": {
          "username": "<site_b_username>",
          "password": "<site_b_password>"
        "name": "<site_b_rec_name/fqdn>",
        "replication_endpoint": "<site_b_replication_endpoint>:443",
        "replication_tls_sni": "<site_b_replication_endpoint>"
  "name": "<db_name>",
  "encryption": true,
  "compression": 0

4. Request the Active-Active DB with the JSON Payload

In this step you will make the Active-Active DB request to just one cluster member. Why just one? This request is coordinated among members: You request one member to initiate the coordination by including the list of, and credentials for, each Active-Active DB member.

Apply the following to the API endpoint at just one cluster API endpoint:

curl -k -u<snip> -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @crdb.json

Note: curl some users are having difficulty specifying the payload with the -d argument. Please consult your curl manual or try postman.

You should see a reply from the API as in the following which indicates the payload was well formed and the request is being actioned:

  "id": "aac6ff9a-ff54-49c2-8398-f62b1896c69a",
  "status": "queued"

Note Did you get something other than queued as a response? Then proceed to the troubleshooting section of the document.

You can get the status of the above task by issuing a GET on /v1/crdbs_tasks/<id>. Here is an example of a failed task:

$ curl -k -u<snip>
  "crdb_guid": "5f04ae65-6d4c-4c22-8081-08906864560a",
  "id": "aac6ff9a-ff54-49c2-8398-f62b1896c69a",
  "status": "finished"

If successful, you will see the DB created in the Redis Enterprise UI for a healthy and syncing CRDB:

You will also see two new services per cluster: test-db and test-db-headless, as well as a new route which is used for the replication:

$ oc get svc,routes -n raas-site-a
NAME                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/rec-a              ClusterIP   None             <none>        9443/TCP,8001/TCP,8070/TCP   38m
service/rec-a-ui           ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP                     38m
service/test-db            ClusterIP   <none>        17946/TCP                    31m
service/test-db-headless   ClusterIP   None             <none>        17946/TCP                    31m

NAME                                 HOST/PORT                                          PATH   SERVICES   PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD               rec-a      api     passthrough   None          rec-a-ui   ui      passthrough   None           test-db    17946   passthrough   None
$ oc get svc,routes -n raas-site-b
NAME                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/rec-b              ClusterIP   None             <none>        9443/TCP,8001/TCP,8070/TCP   3h48m
service/rec-b-ui           ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP                     3h48m
service/test-db            ClusterIP   <none>        17946/TCP                    31m
service/test-db-headless   ClusterIP   None             <none>        17946/TCP                    31m

NAME                                 HOST/PORT                                          PATH   SERVICES   PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD               rec-b      api     passthrough   None          rec-b-ui   ui      passthrough   None           test-db    17946   passthrough   None

5. Run a Workload

It's time to test your deployment. You can use the redis benchmarking tool memtier_benchmark [link]. Here are a couple of examples deployment manifests:

  1. Benchmark without TLS.
  2. Benchmark with TLS, required when working through Openshift Routes.

Below is an example invocation of memtier_benchmark as from the commandline which is as-is reflected in the manifest file linked above: Benchmark with TLS. This invocation should yield somewhere between 3k and 10k requests per second. If you want to generate more workload, adjust the Limits and requests values in this manifest: memtier_benchmark will consume as much resources as are given to it.

memtier_benchmark -a YkBybC5jb20= -s -p 443 --tls --tls-skip-verify --sni --ratio=1:3 --data-size-pattern=R --data-size-range=128-2800 --requests=20000000 --pipeline=1 --clients=4 --threads=5 --run-count=3

What do the arguments above mean?

  • -a <password>, -s <server>, -p <port>: use Redis basic Auth (without a specified user) to connect to a Redis server on a specified port.
  • --tls --tls-skip-verify: Use TLS but to not verify server identity. If you've installed your own server certs or installed our CA then --tls-skip-verify is likely unnecessary.
  • Other options are fairly straight forward:
    • Use a 1:3 W:R ratio
    • Randomize the data size between 128 and 2800 Bytes
    • Execute 20M commands with only one command per requests (--pipeline=1)
    • Create 4 clients with 5 working threads each
    • Do all the above 3 times.

To apply the benchmark workload:

  1. Edit the arguments in the file.
    • You can specify values directly with env: {name, value} pairs:
        - name: REDIS_PORT
          value: "443"
    • You can also get the values from K8s Secrets as in the following:
      - name: REDIS_PASSWORD
              key: password
              name: redb-redis-db1 
  2. Apply the manifest: oc apply -f benchmark-tls.yaml. If the arguments are properly specified then you will see a deployment and pod created for this workload.
$ oc get all
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/redis-benchmark-tls-fd5df8549-wm4xs          1/1     Running   0          8m9s

NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/redis-benchmark-tls         1/1     1            1           88m

Alas, this is not a memtier_benchmark tutorial. Feel free to try out some of the other command line options.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Symptom: API endpoint not reachable The API endpoint is not reachable from one cluster to the other.

    • Open a shell side a one of the Redis Enterprise cluster pods:

      oc exec -it rec-a-0 -- /bin/bash
      $ curl -ivk
      WWW-Authenticate: ... realm="rec-b.raas-site-b.svc.cluster.local"

      It is expected that you will get a "401" response but check that the returned "realm" reflects the remote cluster's FQDN as in Required Parameters: name.

    • Perform the same step as above from the other site, to the former.

    • If one or both of these steps above do not result in "401" with the appropriate "realm" then the contact your Openshift administrator for help troubleshooting an Openshift Route to the REC API endpoint.

  2. API response 400, bad request:

    "detail": "None is not of type 'object'",
    "status": 400,
    "title": "Bad Request",
    "type": "about:blank"
    • Your payload is not being passed to the API or the payload is not valid JSON. Please Lint your JSON or try Postman with built-in JSON validate.
  3. The Active-Active DB request was accepted and completed, but replication is not taking place. This is likely the case if either or both DB ingress routes are not working properly. Please contact your K8s/OpenShift administrator to validate these routes.

What's next?

  1. Generate some workload against the Active-active DB as in this manifest using memtier_benchmark.


How to create an Active-active (CRDB) between two Openshift clusters using the Redis Enterprise REST API.