A tool that reads titledata from game saves and mod files to produce a MediaWiki table full of data.
Installation: Just extract it. Make sure it is in its own folder.
- Step 1: Start up the mod in CK3. Entering into observer mode, save the state of the game at the immediate start. -- Note - The only way this works with multiple start dates is if you use this tool individually on each. Merging is not possible.
- Step 2: Copy the save into the root folder of this portable tool.
- Step 3: Run. After a few seconds it will show a prompt that goes, "Enter output code or path to file with codes." Currently the way the tool is told the format in which to write the table is through a string of code. This is a CLI app. I'm sorry.
- Step 4: Paste in either 1 - The individiual code. 2 - Or the file path of a text file that contains multiple codes for batch processing.
- The output files will be deposited on your desktop.
Dictionary of commands:
Firstly, type what type of title that you need the data of:
Command | Definition |
De Jure Empires |
TE |
Titular Empires |
De Jure Kingdoms |
TK |
Titular Kingdoms |
De Jure Duchies |
TD |
Titular Duchies |
C |
Counties |
Secondly, add parameters as reasonable:
Parameter | Definition |
t |
Title IDs |
n |
Names |
le |
Empire Liege |
lk |
Kingdom Liege |
ld |
Duchy Liege |
vk |
Vassal Kingdoms |
cvk |
Number of Vassal Kingdoms |
vd |
Vassal Duchies |
cvd |
Number of Vassal Duchies |
vc |
Vassal Counties |
cvc |
Number of Vassal Counties |
vb |
Vassal Baronies |
cvb |
Number of Vassal Baronies |
lc |
Size of Largest County by Baronies |
cpt |
Capitals (County) |
clt |
Culture (Counties-only) |
f |
Faith (Counties-only) |
dt |
Total Development (non-Counties) |
dh |
Development of Highest Dev. County Vassal |
dc |
Development (Counties-only) |
sb |
Special Buildings in Baronies |
m |
Modifiers in Counties |
sbm |
sb and m combined |
Note: Parameters that don't make sense for a title rank or type shouldn't be added. Adding Duchy Liege for Empires will just output blanks. It won't break but there's no point.
These are the personal settings that I use (with batch instead of one by one):
DJE n cpt vk cvc t
TE n cpt vk t
DJK n cpt vd le cvc t
TK n cpt le t
DJD n lk le cpt vc cvc lc cvb dt dh sbm t
TD n lk le cpt t
C n ld lk le cvb dc sbm f clt t
I don't advise adding more options to these. You might even remove a few. Too much information doesn't work well with MediaWiki. At best it's difficult to upload, at worst the page won't show properly or nicely.