RebornL / RFCN-pytorch.1.0

Pytorch.1.0 implementation of RFCN

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Pytorch.1.0 Implementation of R-FCN


This project is an pytorch implement R-FCN, large part code is forked from princewang1994/RFCN_CoupleNet.pytorch. The R-FCN structure is refer to Caffe R-FCN and Py-R-FCN

What I have done is updating the pytorch version from 0.3 to 1.0. (In theory, it should support pytorch.1.x version)


First of all, clone the code

$ git clone
$ cd RFCN-pytorch.1.0


  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch 1.0.0 (Maybe support higher than 1.0)
  • CUDA 10.0 (I use this version)


Install all the python dependencies using pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile the cuda dependencies using following simple commands:

$ cd lib
$ python build develop
$ cd ..

The nms, roi_pool, roi_align, psroi_pool and psroi_align come from below link. Thanks for their open source work.

Data Preparation

$ mkdir data
$ cd data
  • PASCAL_VOC 07+12: Please follow the instructions in py-faster-rcnn to prepare VOC datasets. Actually, you can refer to any others. After downloading the data, creat softlinks in the folder data/.
  • Pretrained ResNet: download resnet50 from here (提取码: fba7) and put it to $RFCN_ROOT/data/pretrained_model/resnet50_rcnn.pth.

Data Folder Presentation

$ tree data


To train a R-FCN model with ResNet101 on pascal_voc, simply run:

				   --arch rfcn \
                   --dataset pascal_voc --net res101 \
                   --bs $BATCH_SIZE --nw $WORKER_NUMBER \
                   --lr $LEARNING_RATE --lr_decay_step $DECAY_STEP \
  • Set --s to identified differenct experiments.
  • Model are saved to $RFCN_ROOT/models


If you want to evlauate the detection performance of a pre-trained model on pascal_voc test set, simply run

$ python --dataset pascal_voc --arch rfcn \
				   --net res101 \
                   --checksession $SESSION \
                   --checkepoch $EPOCH \
                   --checkpoint $CHECKPOINT \
  • Specify the specific model session(--s in training phase), chechepoch and checkpoint, e.g., SESSION=1, EPOCH=10, CHECKPOINT=1036.


  1. Train should add --cuda

  2. If you have meet this problem below,

File "/home/reborn/Project/RFCN.pytorch.1.0/lib/roi_data_layer/", line 9, in <module>
    from datasets.factory import get_imdb
  File "/home/reborn/Project/RFCN.pytorch.1.0/lib/datasets/", line 15, in <module>
    from datasets.coco import coco
  File "/home/reborn/Project/RFCN.pytorch.1.0/lib/datasets/", line 23, in <module>
    from pycocotools.coco import COCO
  File "/home/reborn/Project/RFCN.pytorch.1.0/lib/pycocotools/", line 60, in <module>
    from . import mask
  File "/home/reborn/Project/RFCN.pytorch.1.0/lib/pycocotools/", line 3, in <module>
    from . import _mask
ImportError: cannot import name '_mask'

You have two way to slove this problem.

  • comment the coco dataset part, if you only use the voc datasets.

  • install coco api, follow the below step:

    cd data
    git clone 
    cd coco/PythonAPI


This project is established by ReornL. Thanks the faster-rcnn.pytorch.1.0's code provider jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch , psroialign.pytorch's code provider McDo/PSROIAlign-Multi-Batch-PyTorch and the RFCN_CoupleNet.pytorch' s code provider princewang1994/RFCN_CoupleNet.pytorch. Because of their excellent job, I don't need to start my experiment from scratch.


Pytorch.1.0 implementation of RFCN

License:MIT License


Language:Python 78.9%Language:Cuda 11.8%Language:C++ 6.4%Language:C 2.4%Language:MATLAB 0.5%