RealMizat / PythonIDEcolor

Python built in IDE Color/Theme creator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Python IDE Color/Theme creator is a small and simple GUI that will allow the user to create color schemes they like, and apply them to the default built in Python IDE.

The finished prjoject will be just one .py file. The reason there may be a few is because I am uploading a couple different scripts I have written that have some functioanlity needed in the final script. After some minor editing, and some copy and paste, there should not be much more to write, unless extra functionality is added.

There will be room to imporve this script, however I am making the current goal nothing to complex. Once the basic code is working, and writing new colors to Pythons IDE, then I will think about adding features and do what I can with the time I have.

I have many ideas I would like to add, however not sure how much time I can devote, or how long it will take to write. In the color chooser file I left some robust comments, especially at the end about idea and where it oculd go, what could be added ect.

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Python built in IDE Color/Theme creator


Language:Python 100.0%