This repository contains the ensenble of weights and catalog described in the paper "Using Neural Networks to Model Main Belt Albedos as a function of Proper Orbital Elements". It also contains an example notebook demonstrating how to unzip, load and make predictions using the weights.
AFP and NEOWISE datasets. These columns are documented below.
The catalog several columns for context that are taken from thenumber: MPC number
a: proper semi major axis
ecc: proper eccentricity
sinI: sin of the proper inclination
V albedo: visible albedo
V albedo error: error in the visible albedo
IR albedo: infrared albedo
IR albedo error: error in the infrared albedo
Diameter: Asteroid Diameter
Diameter err: Error in AsteroidDiameter
family: Integer corresponding to the asteroid family
sigma_pred_vis: error due to measurment uncertainty on
pred_vis: predicted visible abledo
sigma_belt_vis: error due to belt stocastisity on
sigma_pred_ir: error due to measurment uncertainty on
pred_ir: predicted infrared abledo
sigma_belt_ir: error due to belt stocastisity on