Rconybea / rconybea


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hello, Roland here 👋

  • I'm Roland Conybeare, a software developer engaged in continuous learning.
  • Several decades of experience in the financial industry, working mostly in c++
  • Trying to solve problems so that they "stay solved" -- easier said than done!


website   • linkedin

Areas of Interest

  • Developer productivity. Member of the church of emacs. Trying to write better documentation.
  • Numerical programming. Kalman filters, PDE solvers, stochastic processes etc.
  • Performance oriented programming. For example low-latency schedulers, some lockfree algos.
  • Integration with REPL tools. Author of various scheme-based DSLs, more recently working with pybind11.


Currently learning about

  • 2024
    • getting familiar with c++20/c++23 features; in particular constexpr, non-type template parameters, concepts.
    • getting started with SIMD vector instructions, in particular AVX2
    • getting started with llvm, via Kaleidoscope tutorial.
    • documentation using doxygen + sphinx + breathe.
  • 2023
    • in-memory B-tree
    • learning how to put nix to work, in particular for projects not present in nixpkgs.
    • continuous integration using github actions.
    • custom docker containers for github CI, automagically prepared via nix.
    • diving into cmake, focusing on multi-repo builds
  • 2022
    • xoshiro256**; fast RNG.
    • kalman filter using Eigen for matrix algorithms.
    • websockets
    • pybind11
  • once upon a time
    • garbage collection algorithms.

