Antonio Berbece's repositories
Instagram Bot that uses the Instagram API in order to query a specific post from a business profile and automatically update a comment with the post metrics (likes, views etc). Built using NodeJS.
Image classifier built using a Convolutional Neural Network. The model takes as input an Image with (supposedly) a cannabis leaf and outputs its strain. Contains a web scraper built in Python and an iOS client built in Swift.
Tool which is able to predict through a simple Linear Regression algorithm in Python the effects (mainly on illiteracy in people over 15 years old) of bigger fundings spent on education in a country. The GUI is implemented using Frontend Tech (HTML5, CSS3, JS + JQuery). The link between Python and JS is realised through the Eel framework.
Built using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, mySQL. It's a portal made for the volunteers of the international 'English is Fun...Tastic' summer camp in order to sign-up children for the various contests we organised during the nights in camp, and to also check various contact data of other volunteers. It can only be used by users which have an all-purpose key code which is input in the launch page (Code is: "SPV"). Built using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP, mySQL.
Beautiful Weather App made in Swift using Dark Sky API and Alamofire.
A C program which emphasis dynamic memory allocation involving a social network which includes various types of users based on general behaviour. This program simulates how fake media can spread amongst the users of the social media (which is implemented as a Graph). Coursework #3 for my Procedural Programming module in University.
Digital Portofolio made in HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript to showcase some of my personal projects and a resume of my ambitions, goals and strengths. Also uses Bootstrap.
A simple Object Recognition App made in Swift using CoreML and an Apple-provided Data Model.